🌸~ Chapter 5 ~🌸

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It was the next day and I was sitting on the grass enjoying the view, when I see Yuki walking with Tohru, he looked very happy but I felt uneasy. "What's with the gloomy look (Y/N)?" I hear Shigure asked sounding normal. Not worried but a little concerned. "I'm just over thinking is all." I said to him. "I can tell something is bothering you." He said and I sigh. "Its. About Yuki." "What's about Yuki?" He asks and I hold my legs. "He seems fine. But. I just feel like something is off, something that I should know. But. It's so far away. Like. Hes hiding something. Or protecting it. By. Acting hes fine. I just met him not that long ago. So I think I'm over reacting." He was quite but he breaks the silence. "I cant tell you for sure what it is. But, you do what you believe in, just dont. Hurt the new friends you have met." He said and I smiled. "In all honesty. I know that I will never hurt them. I honestly want to protect them, grow with them. Charish every moment with them. But I'm going to take my time because it's more fun that way." I said looking at the sky. But I hear Shigure behind me. "(Y/N), there's something we need to talk about." I turn to himand he was still looking at the paper. "Yes?" I asked. He looks at me putting the paper down. "I need to introduce you to the main house and Akito, the Sohma's leader." He said and I looked down. "She's not going alone." Said Kyo ears dropping and Shigure smiles. "But remember you are an outsider so you can't go." Kyo turned pissed and I got up and grabbed his arm gently, he looked at me and blushed a bit in shock. "Please don't get mad, I don't think your an outsider." I said to Kyo and that got him off guard so he pulled his arm away and started to walk away but he yelled again. "Then get that rat to go with her because you know he won't allow her to go with you only!" He said and Shigure sighed. "Akito is not that bad tho." He said pouting and I just gave him a confused look. He noticed and smiled at me. " don't worry about it, I'll ask Yuki and I'll let you know." He said. I nodded and told him I was going to go take a few minute walk.

After about 10 minutes I came back to see Shigure and Yuki ready. Yuki looked a bit odd and that made me a bit worried, like there was fear, but I cant assume anything.

When we got to the main house of the sohma emperor, I was brought to a room where I saw someone sitting at the window, that must of been akito. I was sitting in front when Yuki and Shigure was behind me. My head was down and Akito was sitting near the window. "Do you know why your here?" Akito asked and I didn't look up but I answered his question. "I'm here to meet you." I said and Akito spoke. "And do you know why?" Akito asked. "To meet the families lord, if I'm not mistaken." Everything was silent and I could feel Yuki trying to keep himself calm of fear. "Correct and Your here to see if your willing to keep your mouth shut of the zodiacs transformations." Akito said coldly and I gripped my shorts tightly. Akito got up and fix the Komodo and walked to me, I saw Akitos feet and then I saw Akito bend down and grabbed my chin roughly and lifted my face up that got me off guard. "Aki-!" Yuki was about to say Akitos name but I lifted my hand up to stop him and thankfully he stopped but that didn't stop Akito to hear him. "Yuki, what were you about to say?" He let go of me and walked to Yuki. I could hear Yuki breathing in fear. "Maybe I should put you in your favourite room, why don't we?" Akito said evily and I don't know why but I got up and saw Akito put his hand on Yukis cheek and Yukis face broke me into peaces. I shoved Akito away from Yuki gently and went infront of Yuki trying to protect him. "M-miss Hona." I heard Yuki say and Akito spoke. "How dare you move without me saying so!" Akito got up and I started to grall at Akito.

~🌸~ Third POV ~🌸~

When (Y/N) was covering Yuki, Akito gives a shock but angry look. (Y/N) started to grall at Akito, her eyes were shaped as tiger eyes but purple. Yuki and Shigure saw a tail showing slowly on her tail bone. But luckily she kept herself calm and that tail disappeared. "I am here to see you and that's it, I'm not here to be one of your slaves, I'm the last of my family who protects YOUR family." I hear Yuki and Shigires emotions and they were shock about this new information of me. "but this family Shigure, Yuki, Tohru. Kyo. They are the family I am protecting and its my choice. I gonna change my families name and be who I am meant to be." She said in full confidence, and she gets up but still shorter then Akito. "I won't hurt anyone here, because I know deep down that there all good people, I promise that, but you better be aware of what I am capable of." (Y/N) said in full anger but then Akito slapped her. It was silent and Akito made a tsk sound. "Get out of my sight." Akito said angrily. (Y/N) bowed and started to walk away but grabbed Yuki by the hand and pulled him with her. Shigure knew that Akito wanted to speak to him alone so he stayed but when Yuki and (Y/N) were in the car she was looking out of the window. "Miss, Hona. I'm, I'm sorry." She was shocked and looked at him. "Why are you sorry?" (Y/N) said questioning his apologie. But when she saw his face, he seemed, frighten but guilty. "It was not your fault. It never was or ever will. So please dont apologize for someone else's actions." She said to him with a smile. But than he looks down and questions something else. "Miss, Hona?" "Yes?" She said. He seemed hesitant but asked. "Is it true what you said in that room. Your family is the protectors of the sohma family? He seemed a bit worried when he asked this but she smiles. "Yes but I will tell you more when we are all in a the same room. It's not fair if I only tell you and wait to tell everyone else. She said now looking out of the window still felling a bit emotional. but when they got home kyo was in the living room. (Y/N) avoiding him and Tohru. Kyo was about to question (Y/N)'s mood but was interupted from (Y/N). "Please, not right now." (Y/N) said (Y/N) was acting the same as usual but Kyo can see three that really good fake smile. So after dinner (Y/N) went to her room and was getting ready for bed and sat on her bed giving a big sigh. But that's when she hears a knock on her door, she lifted her head to look at the door with a tired face but spoke with a soft tone. "come in." She said and the door opens slowly to show Kyo.

🌸~(Y/N)S POV~🌸

I smiled to see kyo. "Here. You can have this." He gives me a tea and it smells delicious. "I didn't know Kyo can make tea." I said to myself now blowing it slowly and taking a sip. "This is really good, thank you kyo." I said giving him a smile. It was quite and my mind was off of thinking about what happened. I had so much emotions going threw my head. But. I hear something from kyo. Something that it's so rare to hear. "What's the matter?" I gasped in shock and look at him slowly his head is played down on my bed. Laying it on his arm. "Want to talk about it?"

I've noticed. He has changed alot since I first met him

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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