Return of the Apocalypse

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Author Notes: Finally, I finished chapter one. Enjoy guys.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Disney's Frozen Movie. I only own my OC and the plot of this story.

Arendelle. Past Midnight.

After the traumatic event was dealt with, it was miracle that everyone was safe by the assault of the demon. The current Queen of Arendelle, Anna, urge everyone to go back to their homes and get some rest while they deal with serious matters at hand.

However, the citizens are still scared that the demon might come any moment and end their lives.

"Please everyone, you can go back to your respective houses. I'll make sure that guards are patrolling the area and keeping you safe at all times. I promise to do something about our situation.", were the words of the reigning queen while holding the hands of the future king, Kristoff Borjman, tightly.

Unfortunately, her words did not assure the citizens of Arendelle. They are still in shock. They are in a state of paranoia and fear. No one could blame them, they are afraid for their lives. One time, they were just sleeping and enjoying the peace in the kingdom, and then, with a blink of an eye, everything went upside down. Hope is lost in their eyes. If they could just run away from that terrifying being tonight, they will absolutely keep running forever.

"Everyone lis-", Kristoff tried to get their attention but to no use.

"We are gonna di-", said by a young lady.

"Our lives are done for", said by another citizen.

"We can't do anything... The guards won't be to do any-."

"Please everyone, keep calm.", plead by the queen's official guard, General Mattias.

"Everyone... Hiii...list-. I don't think everyone is listening", the little snowman said out loud while waving his hands high up in the air and jumping in the process hoping for attention.

"What are we gonna do? The children must-"

"The children will be saf-", Anna replied but was immediately cut off by another.

"I still want my life, there still a bunch of things I want to do..."

Everyone was saying a bunch of things. The words of the queen didn't reach them. Murmurs can be heard everywhere. All sorts of negativity were in the air. It would take something big for everyone to snap out of their thoughts which didn't take long enough when a light rain of snow in middle of summer were falling from the skies indicating the presence of the former queen of Arendelle.

"Its snowing but it's still sum-", a citizen realize this as the snow landed on his hand, and was distracted by the sudden event.

The beautiful blonde woman in a bright white dress lightly stomped her foot. A huge glowing snowflake in the area got their attention from where the citizens are currently standing. The people were awed with the amazing phenomena and with the woman at the center of the snowflake, they immediately remembered and shifted their gazes to the person who can do such thing, the fifth elemental spirit, Elsa.

"Everyone listen. I know you are all afraid", the fifth spirit started, taking a deep breath of air.

"I am too. But I have to be strong, I have the duty to protect them. I don't know what we are facing right now. This was not the same as the time in the enchanted forest. This is different. Its dark and dangerous that just by thinking about it sends shivers down my spine." Elsa thought to herself.

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