Seek Help

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Author Notes: Hi everyone especially to my readers. Here's the new chapter. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I dont own anything related to the Disney's Movie Frozen Franchise. I only own the plot and my OC in this story.

Bright rays of the sun washes and clears away the the dark skies of the night. Citizens of the kingdom of Arendelle started going out of their respective homes. The situation of the kingdom slightly normalizes but their problems are still evident in their eyes. Properties and houses destroyed from last night's terrifying event. Some stalls and shops being repaired to get back in trades and businesses.

They are very aware of their dire situation right now. Everyone tries to stay strong and trusted the words of their Queen and her sister that they would be safe and be alive still then. They are trying really hard to make the situation seem more normal and that they can still do their work and make a living for their lives and families.

Meanwhile. In the castle of Arendelle.

A certain light strawberry brown hair with strands of her hair braided to the back of her head woke up early in the morning, almost purposely. Contrary to her past states when her sister or maid have to wake her up from being asleep in a unsightly display, fizzy hair that seemed to be uncomb for weeks, heavily drooling in slumber and have to be shaken a few times to wake her up, at least. However, now, it seems that she improved a lot when she became the Queen of Arendelle. Her actions is almost queen-like and more refined just like her sister, but a hint of the usual Anna is still in her. Somethings just never changed is really a fact that can't be proven wrong to this family.

Beside the sitting Queen in the bed is the familiar fifth elemental spirit who became the bridge of nature and man, and also her dearest sister. Her sister is still asleep and the sun is already up which is very unsual of her. She's supposed to be the one who's very up early which is definitely not the case this time.

"She must be pretty exhausted last night that I woke up early than her.", Anna thought to herself while staring concernedly to her sister.

No one could really blame the fifth spirit. She was pretty tired from the fighting last night. After all, who could have thought that a demon would just show up in the Kingdom and declared that he will destroy all of Arendelle. Her powers were very ineffective against the being, theres that. At least, her powers were able to protect a lot of people including her family.

Anna made up her mind and nudge her sister to wake up. She gently shook her and earned some groans from the blonde woman.

" Elsa..Elsa, wake up. Its morning already. The sun is up." , Anna exclaimed.

The fifth spirit groaned from the gesture and her eyes starting to slowly lit up. Her vision is still very blurry from waking up. She was struggling to keep her eyes open because of the bright light from the huge windows of the room. Even when she just woke up, her looks are still breath-taking, whoever shall watch her in this state would immediately fall in love real hard.

"Good morning, Anna. Its morning already, huh?", Elsa said while giving out a queenly yawn and in the midst of putting her hands in her eyes to block the sunlight coming outside the castle.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?", Anna asked her.

"I've been better, actually. I guess the sleep really helped a lot." Elsa replied while still being sleepy. Her sister being anxious of fifth spirit's well-being.

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