Back to Ahtohallan

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Author Notes: Hello, guys. Enjoy the new chapter.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything with Disney Frozen Franchise. I only own the plot of this story.

Previous Chapter.

"...It can't be...

...this very location...'s Ahtohallan, right?"...

End of Previous Chapter

Elsa's POV

"This can't be happening right now. This is just plainly impossible. How come that bird is taking me to Ahtohallan? There must be some sort of mistake. It has to be.", I thought deeply to myself.

We're nearly at sundown and I can perfectly hear the rich sound of waves crashing down as it hits the rocks and ridges in the sea. I'm still following my only chance to save everyone from the perilous state we are facing. I'm desperate to find the prince of Aether to ask for his help. Although I'm not entirely sure if he still real nor alive. But I have a strong feeling that he exist.

My magic can feel it. It also senses a sort of familiarity. Its like I'm drawn towards it for a reason I don't know but I'm gonna find out.

Ahtohallan is now in plain sight, we're getting nearer by each passing moment. The white bird with red highlights still in the air flying and guiding us towards the familiar place.

On the other hand, I feel bad for leaving Honeymaren back there. She will surely understand me. I was desperate and in a hurry so that I won't miss the bird and escape my sight.

"I'm gonna apologize to her when I get back.", I said to myself. Making a small sigh afterwards.

While still riding Nokk above the deep sea waters. I wondered how the bird broke my ice when I tried to capture it. I kept thinking of a bunch of reasons. I know its supposed to be a magical and immortal creature but I wasn't expecting it to break free from my grasp so easily.

"How come the bird was able to do that? Is it because it possess some sort of magic of its own? It must have. I mean its a bird that has lived for almost forever. Who knows what kind of magic does it have.", I thought to myself.

I immediately washed those thoughts away. I must focus on my current task right now and that is finding the prince of Aether. Thinking about it, I only know a little about him from the information I got from Pabbie. The only thing I know about him is that he's a prince who stopped the demon of the Apocalypse.

From that note, I think he's a great guy. Sacrificing himself to save everyone, that is definitely not an easy feat to accomplish. I doubt anyone would be able to do that, even me. What he had done goes way beyond the qualities of being a prince. A true savior would best fit his title and not some stupid prince that I know from the Southern Isles.

"Ugh, just by thinking about him really makes me wanna freeze him right there and then." I frankly said and holding the reins tightly.

I just feel bad for Anna. I was supposed to help her prepare for her wedding. It seems like we have to postpone the marriage until we get rid of the demon and no more upcoming threats heading our way. We're gonna get past this. This is just a little hurdle. Everything will work out, I'm sure of it.

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