Chapter 3

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This picture makes me smile, thought I would share it with yall. And, I was re-reading last chapter, and OMG so many grammatical errors, I can't, I will try to do better! I would edit them but I don't want to bother you with notifcations, I think that is a thing.  Anyways. enjoy the chapter!

*Flash Back Continued* (Is this even a flash back at this point >w<)

Y/n grabbed the bag of cookies she had made the day before and then made her way back to the area where she had met Hanzo, anxious to discover what exactly her cookies did, if they even did anything at all. She walked quickly as to not have time to re-think her decision to contact a Hunter about her cookies. Before she knew it she was at her desination and Hanzo was waving her over to him.

"Hey." Y/n greeted briefly, "I brought the cookies that I made yesterday."

"Ah, yes." Hanzo stated, looking at the bag in Y/n hands briefly, then looking up again. "Yup, I know what is happening, though I do not neccesarily know how or why."

Y/n looked at Hanzo questioningly, "Pardon me for asking, but how can you already tell?  I have not even taken them out of the bag yet."

Hanzo proceeded to tell Y/n all about Nen, which then explained how he could see the Nen through the bag. (I think me rexplaining it would be redundant?)

"...I definitely think you are uncounsciously pouring your nen into these cookies, and when someone eats it, they absorb the nen into their system, which would be why your grandmother felt better after eating one.  I do not know exactly howthe nen is absorbed when someone eats them, but it definitely is amazing!  How long have you been making these cookies?" Hanzo questioned.

"I do not know exactly how long I have been making what you are calling "Nen cookies" for, but I have been baking ever since I was little.  It is a passion of mine." Y/n replied, still processing everything she had been told by Hanzo.

Me? Using nen? Don't you have to be taught how to use it after strenuous training or something?

"Do you think I could watch you bake a batch of these cookies today?" Hanzo questioned, snapping Y/n out of her thoughts.

"That would be great!  I don't have anything else planned for today really." Y/n responded.

That was the day when all the testing began. A few other Hunters and Nen users came to test the cookies. A few questions like: How much nen were in each cookie? Was it safe? How many can non-nen users eat?  were soon answered with many experiments that Y/n and other nen uses conducted.  Y/n also learned, after much hard work, how to control how much nen she allowing into each cook.

Y/n decided this would be the perfect time to open a bakery. This had always been a dream of hers, but there always seemed to be reasons NOT to pursue this dream. But now, she had something new to offer the world.  Something unique and special. Something a select crowd could benefit from, as well as the general popultion. Her bakery, named "The Nen Bakery" (Aren't I so original), quickly became one of the most popular food stores in Yorknew City, becoming one of those places "You HAD to go to" if you were visiting Yorknew.

The most popular cookies, were her "Pick Me Up" cookies, they were simple, round cookies that had miniscule amounts of nen.  But the small amount of nen was perfect for the average everyday person who did not use nen, the cookies would act as a caffeine for them.   Students and hard laborers flocked to her bakery at lunch or during finals weeks to get there daily dose of nen.

The 'X' cookies were more intense, only avaiable to Hunters and a few other select martial art groups.  Though these cookies could be considered less popular, they were key to her sucess.  They made her famous in the Hunter world, and usually these people were willing to give large tips, or even sponser the bakery for her to merely put up a small plaque of their name or corporation. Though several of the hunters were mystyrious and some sketcky, and you never knew exactly what they would be using the cookies for, Y/n always enjoyed meeting new people and making up scenarios in her head of how they were going to save the world.

Y/n lived a comfortable life for two years since starting her bakery.  She learned more about nen, though she could barely control her own to make two or three types of cookies.  There was never a dull day when it was spent in the bakery.  Sure there were those mean people who could find something wrong with anything, but Y/n quickly learned how to deal with them nicely, and shake of any insults that may have come flying her way. 

Y/n established a pretty comfortable routine; waking up to bake, tidying the store, opening the store, dealing with custumers, then closing the bakery.  She did make time for other things, she walked around the park, checked out the auction when it came that time of the year, talked to friends her age, but those usually were not the highlights of her day, the highlights of the day were the simple things like childs faces lighting up when they saw the bakery, and y/n would watch as they practically drag their mother to the store.  Then their face would light up for a second time after taking that first bite of a freshly baked cookie.

All in all, Y/n had her whole life planned out ahead of her.  The plan?  To do exactly what she is doing now for her life.  Is that how it worked out?  Of course it did not.  That leads us to today.  Which started like any other day at the bakery, but little did y/n know that she would meet someone that would shake up her whole world.

*End of Flashback*

Well I didn't know where to leave the chapter off at, but I decided it would be here.  The plan it to make each chapter 900-1000 words each? I don't think I could more at this moment, especially with school just starting >n<.

Anyways, question to get to know y'all more:

What are your hobbies?

I ride horses, though I consider more of a passions? I want to make a career out of it!

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