Chapter 5

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What the heck is happening?


Y/n got back to making a few batches of cookies before the 'X' cookies would be fully baked. At some point Hisoka slipped back in to watch her nen at work, though sometimes he would just look at the girl who was fully concentrated with her work before realizing he was supposed to be watching her nen.

"So... Where are you guys from?" Y/n tried to start some conversation with Hisoka to break the silence.

"Wouldn't you like to know~" Hisoka said teasingly.

"Oh, that's not what I mea-" Y/n began, trying to defend herself

"Whatever makes you sleep better at night~." Hisoka said amusingly.

There was a moment of silence as Y/n mixed some dough in a large bowl.

"Thanks for saving me from falling earlier by the way.  That could've been bad." Y/n changed the subject.

"It was quite simple; you were an easy one to catch~"

At that, the blood rushed to her cheeks.

How can he just say stuff like this to a stranger?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The oven signaled that the cookies were done.  The girl put on some mitts and took the tray of cookies out of the oven to cool.  She used a spatula to take the cookies off the hot metal sheet and onto a cooling rack so the bottom of the cookies would not cook more than they were already.

"It should only be a few more minutes for this batch to cool enough.  Though if your nen is anything of a large quantity, you three may need more than these."

"I'm sure I will be coming back to see you soon~" Hisoka insinuated with a wink.

Y/n tried to ignore some of his antics and got the bags ready for the cookies while they cooled.

"I would love if you came back to my bakery.  I might be a bit more prepared with some cookies to give you." Y/n smiled,  And prepare mentally, she added to herself.

After a couple of minutes, the cookies had thoroughly cooled.  Y/n placed them in a bag and walked to the front, where the cash register was located.  Hisoka followed behind, and soon met back up with his two... friends? Companions? Y/n did not know exactly what the group's relationship was.  Y/n rang up the price for the twenty cookies, and the group paid her for them.

"Thank you and please come again!" Y/n waved as the group left. Before the door was shut, Hisoka turned around and said with a wink,

"See you later, Love~" He then turned and closed the door behind him.

Y/n let out another sigh and sat down at one of the tables for the customers, cheeks completely flushed and heart racing at his last comment.

This had been one long and weird day.

Y/n glanced over at the clock to see the time.  It read 4:45pm.  She got up from her chair and began to close up shop, all the while attempting to push out the thoughts of Hisoka from her mind.  Turning the "Open" sign to "Closed", she then cleaned all the tables, chairs and counter tops.  In the kitchen, the dishes were rinsed and put into the dishwasher for cleaning, in the morning the dishes would be ready to use once more.  All the ingredients were stored in the cabinet and all the counters were wiped once the mess on top was cleaned.  Finally, the lights were turned off, and by this time it was around 5:30. 

Y/n decided it would be a day she would not leave the house after work.  Between the large rush hour and her encounter with Hisoka, it had been a long day.  A quick shower cleared her head from the stresses and anxieties of the day, and she went into her small house kitchen to cook a small meal.

Once she had eaten and got into bed, Y/n let her mind wander to think about what had happened that day, or rather, whom she had met. 


She had never had a boyfriend. The thought of having one never came to mind. Sure, she often appreciated boys, but it was never enough to go on a date or get serious with any of them. But something was different about him and it drove her crazy. It had only been a few hours since they have met, he was a flirt, they were together less than an hour and he had this much of an impact on her.  He could be a serial killer for all she knew.

What was it about him?  It could be the fact that he had expertly caught her before she fell in the kitchen. It was nice to know he has fast reflexes. Or the fact that he could tell she was nervous.

Y/n pondered this for a bit and realized that he could read her when she was nervous.  That was not something everyone noticed, especially if they had never met her before. 

It is just because he is a Hunter. They are trained to be quick and skillful. And are trained to read situations at all times.  It is nothing special that he could do these things.

Y/n's attempts to reason with herself about how he was not different from others, but rather normal, completely failed.  The thought that he was different from all the others overthrew any excuses out of her mind, leaving only the details of Hisoka that made him special.  Even with only being with him a short time, she could write a whole list of things that made him different from the planet as a whole.

She also remembered what Hisoka said before he left.

"I'm sure I'll see you soon...See you later~"

How soon? Tomorrow? A week? And where?  At the bakery? In town?  What did these words mean, if they meant anything?  Did they mean he wanted to see her again? Did she want to see him again?

She did not know why she wanted to see him, but the answer was definitely a yes.  Even if the whole time she was with him she was nervous wreck, she fantasized about how they would meet next, what she would say and do better.

Slowly, Y/n drifted asleep thinking about these things.



Thank you all for reading this chapter! If you have read this far into my story, you have my greatest thanks!

Today is my last day of finals,  so I can dedicate some more time to writing!

I think I can commit to a schedule, that would be posting every other week on Wednesdays  or basically twice a month! I have a few chapters stored up and it has been hard to not post them all at once. But, I think posting consistently is a better way to go! The two-week timeframe also encourages me to revisit them several times before posting, so I can catch more errors and add/take things out.

I find writing very fun, and there is no pressure posting one here, no grades or 'life time' implications like school. Just me writing and posting for others to read if they choose, and growing as a writer.

As always, critiques are welcome as well as just chatting! My favorite thing about Wattpad are the interactions it invites.

Question to get to know you: What do you plan on majoring in for college OR what is your favorite subject in school?

I am hoping to Major in Animal Science with Pre-Vet. My favorite subject that I'm 'currently' taking is Biology >.<! By the time I post this I will be done with that class.

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