tell me

30 3 11

sunny days and rainy nights
all i want are your arms around me.

on days when things get too hard to take, will you lend me your shoulder to rest. would you be my home and hold me close?

i'm winter and spring,
cold and forlorn on some days while a smiling mess with a bounce to my steps, the others.
i'm hard to reach sometimes,
like the clouds floating high over the mountains while you try to reach from the ground
but baby the other times i'm as close as the air that runs along your room and makes its way into your veins.

i'm a tangled web of emotions,
so lost within myself
but tell me love,
would you remain to find the hidden bits in this maze
or turn away at the very beginning.
tell me if you're here to stay
or just visiting to say hello
for i have no courage
to greet you with my arms open
if all you wish is a fleeting moment.

i'm tired of men
who treat my heart as a cheap motel,
they disappear before the blink of an eye,
but leave back graffiti on my walls & cigarette buds on the floors.
i no longer have the strength love,
to be as welcoming as i used to be.
so tell me now
if you're here to stay or leave just like the others
so i could give you a spare room,
or hand you the keys to my heart.

(got a bit too raw and feels like many broken words put together, bear with me please)

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