Chapter 2 - Keeping Score

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It's a hot one! [M as always] Enjoy! 

Thursday arrived and it was no surprise to Talia - who always got assignments in on time - that Olivia hadn't finished hers. In fact, she'd barely made a start and was too pre-occupied with her phone, juggling messages inundated from guys. Despite the falling out after Mondays lecture and the introduction of Mr Rickman, the girls had made up. Still, Talia kept her distance, tucked into her room and books as usual.

Friday's due date came and Olivia dismissed her priorities in place for social activities, more involved in what she was going to be doing for the weekend. She'd spent the entire lecture seated front and centre to Alan, deciding she much preferred him at this angle. It meant she had the pleasure of witnessing up close the way the cotton of his white shirt pulled taught against his arms whenever he folded them, the manly imprint in his trousers, which to her delight were beige today making it all the more visible. There was something about him that was intoxicatingly handsome that made it impossible to focus in class. His voice - so rich - the way his cologne would dance about her nose every so often whenever he walked by – so delicious.

As if it couldn't get any better, during a moment where everyone was taking notes from a video, Alan came right up to her – whispering distance – so close he had to lean in. Olivia felt him before she saw him, his tall stature shading the projector screen in front.

"Miss Olivia, a word after class if you please..."

His voice lit a line of fire in her centre.


"Olivia, this isn't acceptable, I'm sorry to have to say that."

Alan's brows were raised, shaking his head at her dismal one-paragraphed attempt at an assignment that twenty-seven other students handed in with ease.

"I know," she sighed, standing just a few meters before him, in another strategically planned outfit of a skirt, boots and fitted t-shirt, edgy, yet sexy, she thought.

He was perched against the edge of his desk with his ankles crossed, taking one last look at the paper.

"Olivia, I don't want to have to say it, especially having only known you for a week, but..."

"I know..."

Somewhere inside she knew she needed to get her priorities in order, but if she had, they wouldn't be here right now alone in his classroom.

"You know, it's not too late to crack the whip. You have an impressive entry grade level, one of the highest in the class I believe... Not everyone enjoys the theory, but it's a fundamental part of why you're here. What's even more important is that you show a good attitude in all areas. You want to go far in this field?"

"Yes, of course."

"Then..." he handed the assignment back to her. "Don't drop your average. I'll give you until this evening. I shouldn't even allow that. This is an exception. I'm here until eight."

"You would do that for me?" She was unaware that the smile she gave him was naturally flirtatious as she took the paper.

"For the sake of your grade, yes...


Olivia returned to her student flat that afternoon, relieved to see no one was home. She wondered how on earth she was supposed to study for this assignment and get it written by eight when she had an evening planned with friends. It would take her at least two hours to get ready. She mentally calculated the time it would take to wash her hair, style it, do her make up and...suddenly, she had a light bulb moment that could cut this burden in half. Off she sped to Talia's room.

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