Chapter 6 - No Strings Attached

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Busy week, but finally I have the new chapter up! I hope you enjoy! [Rated M as always]

It was difficult - at times, torturous. Every hour of every day Olivia found herself thinking of Alan, wondering what he was doing, how things were going with his wife. Where was his wife anyway? Had she moved out for good? He never said and Olivia never asked, too busy making the most of every second with him. They hadn't talked about his wife and neither had Olivia spotted anything in his house that looked as though it belonged to her. It was that little factor that kept a flame burning inside – hope – hope that she would see Alan again and they'd spend another night together.

They had never swapped numbers – it was Alan's decision since it would only be a distraction - and it was mostly at night where Olivia wished they had as she lay on her bed in the dark overcome with thoughts; not just sexual, but how she missed his strong arms, the way he smelt, the way he cared unlike anyone she'd ever met.

Alan always made a point to talk about her studies whenever they met in his car, wanting to make sure she was on task and focussed and that she had clear 20/20 vision of the preparation required for her to audition for the lead part in the final performance coming up.

The lack of contact made her look forward to lectures immensely. On a good day they would meet each other's eyes across the canteen around lunchtime. Olivia - who was with fellow students – would inconspicuously glance over with her large green eyes in the hope to catch his. Whenever she did, it was enough to keep her energized for the entire day.


It had been almost two weeks since Olivia had the pleasure of spending the night with Alan, but to her it felt like a lifetime. Feeling desperately antsy, she decided to go down to the parking lot and meet him, unannounced. Smiling to herself, she hopped down the remaining steps out of the academy and into what had become their meeting spot.

His car. The lights were on, but what was that? There was someone in the passenger seat next to him! Two dark silhouettes came together in a kiss before his Mercedes backed out of the parking space and smoothly drove away.

Olivia's heart rose to her throat causing a constrictive lump. Her back pressed against the stone pillar she'd been hiding behind. His wife. Her eyes fell to the floor, almost her body. It was only when she heard the sound of other teachers enter the lot that she slunk away.

Olivia tried to pull herself together; she knew about the wife, she just hadn't expected to lay eyes on her and in such a way that pulled at her heartstrings. She tried to remain focussed the following day, but the thoughts during classes took their toll.

The next day was lecture day, and there he was, as handsome and poised as ever. She ached for Alan throughout his entire teaching and for the first time she felt anxious - anxious that she may loose whatever it was they shared.

"Everything ok, Liv?" Alan asked her, as she picked up some hand-outs from his desk after the lecture.

"Mm-hmm. And you?"

He stood with his arms casually folded, his grey-blue shirt pulling into creases over his arms that she loved dearly. He wasn't convinced. His head lolled to the side investigating her expression.

"I'm sensing a lack of caffeine perhaps?"

Olivia had purposely hung back so they could talk. She'd rehearsed what she was going to say all of yesterday – hence why her assignment was rushed and concluded poorly – but now she was before him, she'd clammed up.

"I woke up late."

"...And the rest?" he hinted.

Olivia hoisted her back on her shoulder. "Nothing, I'm just tired. I was up all night with the assignment."

"I shall look forward to reading it." There was short pause where Alan watched her tease her curls in thought, but before she could say anything, he interrupted. "What are you doing tonight?"

Olivia's head rose like a puppy hearing a rustling treat bag. His words lit a fire in her belly that melted a smile across her face, and all was right with the world again.


The feeling of spending time with a man who had his life together – aside from his troubled marriage, of course – was deeply refreshing. Having only been around partygoers, being around a man of maturity, not to mention one capable of interesting, dynamic conversation, was a pleasure. The fact his sex was to die for was a huge delicious bonus.

Upon walking into his kitchen, Olivia spotted a bottle of wine on the counter top. She took hold of it inspecting the label, nodding in approval. Fancy.

Alan raised his brows and wagged a pointed finger.

"Oh no, I'm not going to be responsible for that. Put it back."

Olivia chuckled. "It's not as though I'm underage, and it is the weekend. Come on, just one glass. We could have it and finish watching that film we watched last time. What was it called again? You'll have to remind me. I was kind of...distracted."

She loved those little hints of laughter that came from his throat; subtle yet clearly tickled by her playfulness.

"The movie I believe was an adaptation of what you are currently studying," he looked at her matter-of-factly with a raised brow but a twinkle in his eye.

"Come onnnn," she persisted. "Just one glass. It's Friday night."

Inhaling deep through his nose, Alan smirked and held up a finger. "Uno. That is it my dear. The glasses are in the top cupboard. Can you reach?"

Olivia playfully cussed him out for his cruel short joke and reached for the glasses determinedly on her tip toes. A success.

In moments, her boots were off and she'd made herself comfy on the couch next to him. Alan took a first sip of the white wine, complimenting the taste, watching it swirl in the bottom of his glass.

"It was supposed to be for a friend for a birthday party I attended the other night with my sister. Completely forgot that she's 'strictly no alcohol' at the moment. Kind of glad I kept it now," he smirked, taking another sip to enhance the taste.

"Birthday party?" she asked, distracted by that little titbit of information.

"Family affair. It was a long drive actually...hadn't a bloody clue where I was going. I don't think I'd of made it if it hadn't of been for my sister as a travel companion."

He started talking about the various diversions they encountered along the way, but Olivia was too busy assembling the puzzle pieces, concluding that the woman in his car that evening wasn't his wife, it was his sister!

She breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't mean to let it show, but Alan caught it, and asked if she was ok. Laughing, she blamed it on the first sip of wine, which only resulted in Alan stealing her glass away so that she had to reach over and grab it.

"No more alcohol for you young lady."

She fought for it back which almost resulted in a slosh on the couch. Laughing was perhaps Olivia's favourite thing to do with Alan. As highly intellectual as he was, he still appreciated and engaged in silly playful banter, always served dry, of course. His laughter was medicine for the soul, and boy did she need it.

Olivia's head rested in the snuggliest part of Alan's chest with his arm resting around her shoulder. If those fingers of his were any lower they'd be just the right level to tease her nipple, and with that thought, Olivia's mind drifted from the movie. She was somewhere else, somewhere where all her fantasies came true. She thought of them together, coupled, doing couple-things – dating, dining, endless joyus sex, traveling with him... Anything and everything that was far fetched ran through her mind. Uninhibited, she ran away with ideas that she'd never speak aloud.

There came a point where the combination of the room's warm ambience, the scent of his patchouli cologne teasing her nose and the sound of his honey-coated voice reverberating from his chest beneath her hand all became too much to ignore. Olivia gazed up at him, her eyes large and glittering emerald, open...

There was so much she wanted to say, feelings she couldn't express, too afraid, too unsure of herself, of the situation.... All she knew that was that she had to kiss him or she'd burst. The pull was magnetic, impossible to resist and their lips met slow but deep. Alan's thumb pressed lightly over her bottom lip, so sensuous and plump. Olivia teased it with her teeth and smiled placing a kiss over the tip, pulling back in the manner she loved to suck him.

"Can we go to bed and play?" she whispered.

Those big green eyes of hers were impossible to resist. Alan fell into them, head first.

A minute at the most was all it took until roaming hands resulted in every item of clothing laying discarded around the bedroom.

Olivia lay beneath Alan on her stomach, her face hot and flushed against the pillow, her eyes were tight with pleasure with each deep steady plunge to her centre from behind.

The sound of sex filled the bedroom, sweet cries of need, of Olivia's essence that lubricated Alan's length and leaked warm from her slit as he filled her unwaveringly. She took hold of his wrists either side of her, gripping tight, her mouth falling in wonder at his girth, wailing beneath him.

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