Chapter 5 - "Play With Me."

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Thank you to everyone enjoying, voting and commenting on the story so far! It's really fun to switch up the type of girl written as the female lead. Those inner demons Olivia has are sure to reveal themselves soon enough. 

[M rating as always] ;) 

Alan woke the following morning, slipping out of bed gently, careful not to wake the raven-haired beauty lying there so peacefully. Little did he know it was the best sleep she'd had in a long time. He had purposefully taken the opposite side of his marital bed that night – the side usually occupied by his wife – as if that were to make matters more acceptable when he and Olivia had been rolling around having sex all night.

He couldn't take his eyes off Olivia's exquisite body, thinking back to how hard he had come last night - days, weeks, months of tension released, and how beautifully she took it. All of it, until it seeped from her insides, soaking the sheets whilst her melodic moans filled the bedroom.

Pulling on his trousers, Alan's eyes traced the creamy skin of Olivia's back exposed by the strewn off duvet - every part he had touched, kissed...With her dark curls laying about the white pillows, she was a picture.

He done up his fly, tucking himself away before it could stir anymore. If the sheets descended any further they would reveal her backside – her perfect little backside. She had a lovely little bottom.

Christ, he uttered to himself, tucking in his white shirt. The rational part of his brain that wasn't overridden by her beauty wondered what he'd gotten himself into. He never imagined he'd cheat, then again he never imagined he and his wife would be in the circumstance they were in either. Alan's thoughts were broken when Olivia stirred, turning her nude self over with a sleepy groan – her bare breasts exposed. With no inhibitions, she lay there softly smiling.


She felt a warm rush right through to the tip of her toes - it was real, all of it. With the morning light peeking through the curtains, he looked more handsome than ever. Equally he was taken by her nudity but he made himself turn his back to search for his watch.

"Somewhere to go?" she asked him, propping herself up on her elbows. Her breasts sat pert and bare awaiting his eyes.

"I have a producer to meet late morning."

"Can't you come back to bed just for a little bit?" she teased.

"'Fraid not," although I'd bloody like to, he thought. "Not with the traffic I'll be facing in..." he picked up his watch and checked it. "just over an hour."

"So focussed..." she uttered, half dry, half admiration.

Olivia brought herself to the end of the bed where he was stood and sat looking up to him, her long curls cascading over her breasts.

"Just a little kiss then..." she teased, pulling him close by his waist.

Alan granted her request whilst doing up his tie. His mouth was positively delicious and Olivia held on to those lips for as long as she could, at least until she went to undo his fly and he playfully knocked her hand away.

She had an infectious little laugh that made him struggle to conceal a smile.

"I think it would be wise if you made amends with those friends of yours today," he advised.

Ugh, what a way to kill the mood. Couldn't she just stay here and pretended none of that never happened? She had a natural talent when it came to that.

"They care about you, Olivia and from the way it sounds, the only reason they took the approach they did is because they want you to do well. Those are the kind of people we all need in our lives."

"You want me to do well..." she purred.

Alan chose to ignore thatlittle comment.

"Did you have fun last night?" she smiled.

"Well judging by the state of those sheets I'd say that's pretty evident, wouldn't you?"

Olivia smiled and stood up, taking hold of him in nothing but little black lace undies that exposed the cheeks of her backside.

"Tell me that won't be the last of it," she softly pleaded. "You made me come so hard last night."

God she put an ache in his groin, something chronic, pulling teasingly at his lip, her pink pert nipples grazing agains this crisp shirt.

"Please can we still fool around?" she whispered. "I promise I'll be a good girl and work really hard...sir, and if I don't...well, then you may just have to bend me over your desk."

Alan chuckled in his throat.

"You should be bloody doing that anyway. Working hard that is, not the latter. I think we should refrain from public displays of this little......thing, at RADA."

Olivia took his hands and placed them on her backside, swaying into him.

"Can I be your little secret?" she whispered,her long lashes fluttered closed, her soft pink lips trailed kisses along his jaw line to his ear. "You can play with me whenever you want."

Alan would be lying to himself if he said this girl wasn't his every sexual fantasy rolled into one. His hands kneaded her backside instinctively. So many thoughts raced in his mind, but knowing they would be a stark contrast to hers, Alan took a while before he spoke. Olivia was used to that by now; the method in which he processed his thoughts before verbalising as not to hurt her.

"Just tell it to me straight. I can take it."

"I had a wonderful night with you, you're a lovely girl, but I don't want you to loose sight of what you should be aiming for. I want you to do well."

"I promise you. I'll impress you."

"I want you to do well because you want to do well, not to impress me."

Olivia played with his tie, "Well, maybe you've given me a second wind to do well. That's not a bad thing. "Maybe you can be my muse...the male equivalent," she smiled with the thought of a powerful Greek god statue. "Except...with a much bigger cock."

Alan laughed in his throat.

"Well, I'm glad you approve. Come on..." he gave her butt a little pat. "Shower. Get dressed."


Olivia detested saying goodbye to Alan that day but approached her student flat never-the-less with the optimism and the positive attitude he had shone onto her.

"Where'd you go?" Talia asked.

"A friend's," Olivia answered, putting down her bag, refraining from what she really wanted to say, still irked by the way Talia had left things.

"Yeah well Jay has been over here asking for you," Talia said in a tiresome voice.

Jay - the guy Olivia was seeing before she started fooling with Chris. Well, he was an inbetweeny really from the guy before him – Danny.


Olivia lay on her bed in silence absentmindedly scrolling through her phone – 2 message received from Mitch – another' close' male friend. Chris, Jay, Danny, Mitch...and now Alan. Olivia tossed her phone aside and stared up at the ceiling, slowly twirling a curl around her index finger. Alan's words replayed in her mind after last night and this morning over coffee in his kitchen. He was so caring, non-judgmental and he'd not even heard the half of it. Imagine if she had told him that the reason why she went out and got drunk and ended up in Chris' bed in the first place was because Alan rejected her the previous Friday in class?

And what on earth would he say if he knew about her past?

He doesn't have to know, spoke a voice inside. You've gotten this far in life and kept it concealed. Keep doing you.

Keep doing you, it repeated.

Who even was that person anymore? Refusing todelve too deep into her thoughts, a long sigh left Olivia's chest. Her head lolled on the pillow and settled on the pile of books on her desk that were scattered haphazardly. A sign perhaps – fate that her eyes rest there.

And so Olivia spent the rest of the evening doing something she hadn't done in the longest time – delving into her coursework.


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