3- 'Kinda nice'

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~Catra's POV~

"BANG" The door slams open to then reveal the beautiful blonde standing in the door way. Everyone was staring at her either in shock or panic from the loud noise, I however was intrigued by her grand entrance. She stood there unfazed by everyone looking at her.

"Adora!" Miss Darla shouts as she gets up from her desk to face the blonde.

"Hey Darla, How was your summer?" Adora confidently said as she crossed her arms. I could feel the anger coming from Miss Darla all the way from the back of the room. I snickered to myself knowing fully well that Adora is trying to get under Miss Darla's skin.

"Sit down, You have detention after school." Miss Darla sighed as she went back to her desk. I then saw Adora roll her eyes with the smallest smirk on her face as she moved to go sit down. Only then it was that I realised me and Adora were in the same class after 7 long years but also that the only seat left was next to me. OOF this is gonna be an interesting year.

~Adora's POV~

After getting told I had detention which I knew I would get anyway, I couldn't help myself but smirk a little bit all while rolling my eyes at the same time. Turning towards the class, I don't see any of my group in there, which is a good thing cuz I do not need their annoying asses on my case this morning. So I started to walk to the back of the room where the only seat left is. As I reach the empty seat I threw myself onto the chair, chucking my jacket on the table, crossing my legs and also crossing my arms over my chest. After a second, I turned my head to face the familiar cat girl only to realise she's also staring at me.

"Hey Adora" she said with a playful smirk on her face. As she sat with her arms also crossed and legs spread under the table. I sneakily bite my lip know fully well she knows how I feel when she does that. I roll my eyes and turn my head to face forward.

"Catra" I said as I could feel her giggle ever so lightly. 'that's cute' . Omg what did I just think. UGHHHHH...

"Your fight was pretty intense this morning." I heard Catra say as she was now leaning on her hand on the table whilst looking at my bruised hand which was now placed on the table as well. I look at my hand and scoff.

"Fucking Dickheads." I mumble loud enough for Catra to hear me as I try to hide my knuckle with my jacket. I feel Catra stare at me as I lift my head to find Catra with a worried look on her face.

"What?" I ask her as her bright blue and bright yellow eyes stare into my eyes. I've never seen her look at me like this. It's different.

"Are you okay?" As soon as she said those words I whip my head to face forwards taking a deep breath which is unnoticeable to catra.

"I'm fine." I quickly say in a monotone voice as I fiddle with my fingers. I can tell she's still staring at me. But I can never look at people when they ask me that question because I would just break down.

~Catra's POV~

When I saw her fist and remembered what had happened earlier, I felt some type of need to protect her. I knew she would be confused when she saw the worry on my face but I didn't care. And when I asked her if she was okay, my heart sunk as she whipped her head away from me. Her words "I'm fine" still lingered in my ears as I knew she wasn't fine. I didn't want to push her so I kept quiet to let her regain her self.

"Alright Guys. These will be your assigned seats for the rest of the year. And I want you all to be on your best behaviour this year." Miss Darla stated as most of the class turned their heads to meet Adora. I couldn't help but laugh and when Adora saw me laughing she began to laugh as well.

"Girls quiet please." Miss Darla said as the class all sat in shock at us laughing as it was a rare sight to see me and Adora laughing together.

"Sorry." Adora said still giggling a little bit as her face is now slightly red. She looked at me and sat back in her chair with her arms crossed just smiling at me. I stop laughing and look into her stormy blue eyes. Now it was my turn to be confused at her.

"What?" I say as she starts to giggle again lightly. I sit there just admiring her beautiful laugh and smile which were two rare things I got to see from her personally. She finally stopped giggling, which I didn't mind hearing, and looked back into my eyes.

"It's just weird how we are actually getting along." She smiles at me as I lean back in my chair and smile at her.

"Also I haven't laughed liked that in a while." She stated as her smile faded ever so slightly. When she said those words a rush of worry and happiness crawled into me as I was worried why she hadn't laughed so much in a while but also happy because it was me that made her laugh like that.

"Well I'm glad I can restore your laugh for you." I said in a playful way nudging her lightly in her arm with mine. I could see her smile fully rise to her face again. And I thought I could also see her slightly blush but I didn't say want to say anything.

"And as for us actually getting along, It's kinda nice." I say in a quieter voice as I slowly lean back in my chair facing the front of the room hoping I didn't just embarrass myself. I then feel a slight nudge in my arm.

"I think it's kinda nice too." Adora says in a quiet but soothing tone as I turn to face her with a smile on my face.


"Alright have a good first day everyone, and see you after school Adora." Miss Darla says as Everyone begins to evacuate the classroom. I start to stand up as I find Adora still sitting in her chair.

"Aren't you going to get up?" I ask Adora as she lifts her head to meet my eyes.

"Nah I got to talk to Darla, Ill see you around tho." She said softly whilst beaming her cute smile at me.

"Alright, Ill see ya." I stated as I walked out of the room before giving her a quick smile over my shoulder.

What is this feeling?

Thanks for reading lovelies :)

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