4: 'shit'

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~ Adora's POV ~

After watching Catra walk out of the room, I prepare myself for my conversation with Darla. After standing up, I walk over to her desk and come to a sudden halt when Darla stands up in front of me.

"Adora, What's your excuse this time?" Darla sighs as she crosses her arms. I could see her frustration and hate for me in her eyes, which did make me feel a tad bit uncomfortable but I was not going to let her see that. So placed my hands on my hips, and lightly smiled at her.

"I was with Angela." I said smugly.

"Principle Angela to you." Darla demanded in anger.

"Nah, I'm basically her daughter so I'm allowed to not give her, her title." I give Darla a wink before walking backwards towards the door. Darla placed her fingers on her temples and closed her eyes.

"Okay, your let off, just this once." Darla mumbled whilst heading to lay her head on her desk.

"Kay, Byeeeee!" I shout as I gracefully glide out of the classroom, only to crash into a group of people.

~ Catra's POV ~

After I left the classroom, I felt my face slightly blush at mine and Adora's encounter together. Not seeing where I was going I bump into a small group of people.

"Catra! It's so good to see you again!" I heard my friend Entrapta shout loudly into my ear.

"Jeez, Entrapta, You don't need to shout." I remind her as I regain my hearing and look to see Scorpia and Lonnie also with her. Lonnie looked at me the tilted her head for me to look at scorpia. Looking past Lonnie, I see Scorpia staring off to  something or to someone.

"Hey Scorps, What you looking at?" I tease as Scorpia quickly retracts her gaze from whatever she was looking at.

"I...Oh Uh...Hey Wildcat!" Scorpia says shaking her head. Me, Entrapta and Lonnie all laugh as we realise she was staring at her new little crush. We then all stopped laughing as I felt someone run into me from behind.

"Oh shit." I hear a voice say as I start to turn around.

"Watch it!" I say in anger only to realise, I had just said that to Adora. 'shit'. (Yes shit indeed). Her face turned blank as soon as I said that. I felt myself groan internally for doing that.

"Uh Adora, I'm sorry, I didn't mea" I was cut off my sentence by Scorpia running past me and then tackling Adora into a hug.

~ Adora's POV ~

"Oh Adora, I've missed you soooo much!" Scorpia cried as she squeezed me tightly. After a few seconds we broke off our hug and as soon as we parted I could feel a long lecture coming.

Me and Scorpia have known each other since we were young same as most of my other friends. But for me and Scorpia, we have a much different relationship than people would think. She's the only person to know me truly and to know all of my secrets. She kinda my therapist you could say. Anyways, Scorpia lives on her own, and I guess you could also say I stay with her a lot. But this summer I distanced myself from everyone, even Bow and Glimmer. I told them that I went away for the summer but the truth is I couldn't face anyone.

Looking into Scorpia's eyes I could see a whole mixture of emotions, concern, worry, anger... I stood there staring at her with a blank expression also noticing the stares witch came from the others behind her. They all had a look of confusion on their faces as me and Scorpia usually kept our friendship a secret one. I then bought my attention back to Scorpia.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Scorpia said with tears in her eyes. I was stuck on her question as I didn't know what to say to her. I know I couldn't lie because she can read me like an open book. I sigh and squint my eyes at her, knowing she would understand I didn't want to speak in front of the others. She calmed herself and lightly nodded at me as she turned to face all still confused Lonnie, Entrapta and Catra. I could see Catra stare at me, I diverted my eyes to look down on the floor.

"Guys I'm going to go talk with Adora for a bit so I'll see you later." Scorpia said with a shaky voice.

"Since when were you too close." Lonnie spoke up for the rest of them. I slowly lifted my head to meet  eyes with a worried Catra. I didn't want to say anything so I looked at Scorpia as she turned back to me with a face that was clearly saying 'what do I do?' I shrug at her and she sighs. She turns her head back around.

"Oh, umm, You know... Uhh" They all started to get suspicious as I could see a now even more confused Lonnie, and a frowning Entrapta. Catra was still just staring at me as I kept my blank face on. I knew Scorpia couldn't lie to them and I knew what was about to happen...


Heyyyyy. Byeeeeee :)

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