Time to Talk

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There's a shit ton of things happening here, sorry!!


"I'm not getting involved in this," Greg said, slowly finding an escape.

"Bismuth, we can explain," Pearl urged.

"You've sided with THEM?!" Bismuth growled. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!"

"It's been 6000 years, Bismuth," Garnet said, putting her hands on Bismuth's shoulders. "Things have changed."

"Wha- 6000– I, I cant believe..." She then glanced around. "Where's Pink?"

"Uhh, hello," Steven said, lifting up his shirt. "My name's Steven. I have Pink Diamond's gem now."

"Well there she is," Bismuth looked at the gem. "So, where's everyone else? Biggs? Crazy Lace?"

"They're actually in town," Pearl said. "But they might look... different."

"What? Why's that?" Bismuth asked.

"Ask them," Pearl said, referring to the Diamonds, who all looked very nervous.

"Bismuth, you've been gone for a very long time. It's best you sit down so we can explain everything," White said.


And that's what Bismuth spent the next 20 minutes doing. She listened as White explained the corruption, Pink's pregnancy, the shattering, the change of heart, the new authority, how corruption was cured, and how Steven healed the crystal gems.

Bismuth was awestruck by everything. She was also angry, but mostly awestruck.

"I know it must be a lot to take in," Garnet said. "We had trouble adjusting too. When we learned what had been going on the past 14 years, we were shocked."

"I don't know what to say," Bismuth said. "And you trust their word?"

"No," Garnet said. "But I see no futures where they take their words back, so for now, they are on our side."

"I'm going to the forge," Bismuth said. "I need to clear my head." She then left the table to find a warp pad.

"That went... well?" Steven smiled awkwardly.

"I'm just happy she wasn't shattered," Pearl said. "But why would Pink bubble her away? To protect her?"

"Pink was a complicated gem, Pearl," Garnet said. "We all know that."

The Diamonds nodded in agreement.

"Uhh, who was that?" Amethyst asked.

"Oh!! That was Bismuth, one of the original Crystal gems," Pearl said. "Just like the uncorrupted gems you met last week."

"Oh," Amethyst nodded.


After cleaning up the barbecue, Greg went back to the car wash and Steven, the crystal gems, and the diamonds went back into the beach house.

"Imma call it a night," Amethyst said as the temple door opened for her. "See y'all later!!" She went into her room, the door closing behind her.

"Well, that was an eventful day," Yellow said. "I think that went over well for the most part."

"I'm worried about Bismuth," Pearl said.

"She won't do anything, trust me," Garnet said, tapping her visor.

"Wait... can you see into the future or something?" Steven asked.

"How perceptive," Garnet smiled. "Yes. Yes I can."

"WOAH, COOL!!" Steven smiled. "White, Yellow, Blue, did you know this?!"

"All Sapphire gems have future vision," Blue said. "Since Garnet is a fusion of a Ruby and a Sapphire, it would make sense that she has future vision too."

"Ah," Steven nodded before yawning.

"Looks like someone's tired," White chuckled. "You ready for bed, Steven?"

"Yea..." He rubbed his eyes. "Lemme get ready." He then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

This left Garnet, Pearl, and the Diamonds alone.

"I think now would be the perfect time to talk, yes?" White suggested.

"You guys talk. I'm going to stay and make sure Steven goes to bed," Yellow said.

"Alright," White nodded. "You three, lets go to my meditation cave. It's absolutely beautiful at night."


Once the group made it to the cave, they sat in the circle. White and Blue were all ears for Garnet and Pearl.

"White..." Pearl began. "So far, I've been quite impressed by your behavior this past week, but that doesn't mean I will forget the several atrocities you have committed. Me and Garnet have been severely hurt by you, Yellow, and Blue's actions. You have apologized several times to us, and we greatly appreciate it, but neither of us will ever be able to forgive you."

Blue and White looked at each other, then back at Garnet and Pearl.

"We understand," Blue said. "We know you will never be able to forgive us for our past deeds. We just want to know; what can we do to make it up to you?"

"Nothing," Garnet said. "Just continue to behave well like you have. You can't earn our forgiveness, but you can earn our respect."

"Where do we begin?" White asked. "What can we do for you?"

"Let's start with this town you plan on building," Garnet said. "If we do this, we're in this together. You two and Yellow will not sit on the sidelines and watch us build. You're going to help."

"We can do that," Blue said.

"Good," Garnet said. "For now, that is all we need from you. Me and Pearl are going to call it a night."

"Alright," White said. Garnet and Pearl left the cave, leaving Blue and White alone to talk for a moment.

"I'm going back to the temple, you coming?" Blue asked.

"I'm staying here tonight," White said. "I'm gonna spend some time meditating. If I'm not back by morning, you can come get me."

"Alright," Blue smiled, leaving the cave.

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