Chapter 8

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Sunday afternoon at the hospital

"May I help you sir, said the head nurse at the front desk"?

"Yes you can. My name is Detective Maxx and I'm investigating a case involving a woman who was brought in on Friday. Let me just check my notes here, yes, I see her name here, it's Clair Shukman. Is it possible that I might be able to ask her a few questions, said the Detective?"

"Yes you can. I just got finished checking on her. She is doing well, but still tired, so if you could make your visit brief Detective I would appreciate it."

"Yes Ma'am, I promise I will be brief."

"Great! Let me show you to her room."

"Hello Miss Shukman. It's me again and I have a handsome quest for you. This is Detective Maxx and he just has a few questions he'd like to ask you. Do you mind speaking with him now or would you like me to ask him to come back another time, said the head nurse.

"I will speak to him now, said Miss Shukman."

"Hello Miss Shukman, said the Detective. Thank you for seeing me. This won't take long. How are you feeling?"

"I am feeling much better thank you, a little tired but overall not bad considering."

"You are quite a strong woman."

"I was a lot stronger twenty years ago."

"I understand, so was I. Miss Shukman, I would like to ask you a few questions about the incident on Friday, if you don't mind?

"No, I don't mind Detective. What would you like to know?"

"If you could just give your account of the incident on Friday, it would shed some more light on this case."

"Well, I was on the second floor of my home lying in bed when I thought I heard someone knocking at my front door. I got up to go downstairs to see. I'm afraid because of my arthritis; my movements are a bit slow. It took me awhile to get down there and when I did finally get downstairs to the front door, there was no one there, but I heard some noise in my patio where the pool is. I started walking to my sliding doors that lead to the patio. When I heard all that noise coming from that direction, I took a look from inside my house and saw three black kids playing in my pool. I immediately grabbed my phone and called the police and gave them a description of the kids. I then got upset thinking that these kids have some nerve coming onto my property."

"Miss Shukman, at any time did you feel threatened by these kids? Did they at anytime try to enter your home?"

"No, I didn't feel threatened and they didn't try to enter my home Detective. Now that I think about it, I did not get the sense that these kids wanted to do me any harm. So, I went out on the patio where they were and I told them that they better get out of my pool because I had just called the police. The next thing I know my chest started to hurt and I knew I needed help. At this point the kids were running to get away. I grabbed the arm of one of them to let them know I needed help. I was unable to talk at the time. The young girl struggled with me a little and I couldn't hold on any longer. I let go and fell to the ground. I knew this was the end for me, but then, while lying on the ground, I saw the same girl come back. She then called the other two and they came back too. That's when I passed out."

"Well Miss Shukman, let me fill you in. When you passed out Ma'am, those same kids called 911 to get help for you. Those same kids just happened to know CPR and they had performed it on you until the EMS team showed up. The EMS team that came said that if it hadn't been for the teens you probably wouldn't be alive today."

"Ya know Detective, I had a sense these kids weren't the type to do harm. They probably just wanted a place to cool off."

"I think I have all I need Ma'am you have been very helpful. I now have a clear picture of the event that took place."

"Detective I hope the law doesn't come down too harsh on them. I don't want to press charges. Is it possible they might not face any consequence?"

"I'm not sure Ma'am. It's up to the judge. Their hearing arraignment is tomorrow. I am going back to my office after I leave here and right up my full report and present it to the judge at the hearing on Monday. My report will include my interview with you and the fact that you have decided not to press charges against the teens. That will be a good thing in their favor." In light of all the facts, if they are lucky and if they have no prior arrests on their records, they may just get some hours of community service."

"That would be wonderful Detective."

"Thank you for your time Ma'am. Get some rest. I hope you'll be able leave this place soon. Goodbye."

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