Chapter 4

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Ann finally caught up with her friends and says, "What's up witches?"

"Who you calling a witch, said Karen? This Ho got the nerve to call somebody a witch."

"Listen, I call myself being nice. I could have said it with a B, said Ann."

"And I would have slapped your face girlfriend, said Tracey. Shut up and give me a hug."

"Ahh, you know I didn't mean it. You're not a witch Tracey I was talking to Karen, said Ann."

"Oh.......No she didn't. Ok, ok, then why you so late, said Karen. You had a last minute trick you had to service before getting here or something?"

"Oh snap! That was a good one said Tracey."

(They all start laughing)

"Hey, I don't feel like doin class today, said Tracey. I just want to get on this bus when it comes and just keep on riding, keep going. You know what I mean?"

"I hear you girl. When we get on, let's just stay on the bus and take it to the end and figure it out when we get there, said Karen."

"Figure what out when we get where, said Ann?"

"Figure out our lives, the meaning of life, why the grass is green. I don't know, said Tracey."

"Or why you can't get a man, said Karen?"

"No, or why your weave looks six months old, said Tracey."

"Enough, already you guys, said Ann. I say lets just do it. Let's go. School is not goin anywhere. We will find it in the same place we left it tomorrow."

"Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow. You're always a suspension away, sings Tracey."

"Oh brother, I mean sister, sorry, I forgot how much you loved show tunes, said Karen as she starts to laugh."

"Hey watch it girl. Are you stereotyping our girl Tracey, said Ann, because if you are, I object?"

"So, who are you, the show tune police, said Karen?"

"Tracey responded, I object too. That was a little witchy, that comment you made Karen. But you know what, I do love show tunes. The Sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar..........." (They all get a good laugh)

The friends had taken a bus from uptown to downtown just having a good time on the way, laughing, joking on each other and just enjoying each other's company. They got off the bus and found themselves in the front of Grand Central Station. Ann was the first to speak.

"I don't want this trip to end. I just want to keep going. I just want to leave shit behind."

"I hear you girl, said Karen. I'm just sick of shit too, my Mom, school. My Mom and I got into a big fight this morning over bullshit, a stupid skirt. To top that off, let me tell you about our beloved science teacher Mr. Horowitz. H e said he would pass me if I let him touch my breasts. If you ask me, yes, I'm ready to go. I don't even care where."

"Ya know,....... I don't know why people are so mean, said Tracey. Yesterday I was at McDonalds on 14th Street, I was dressed fabulous by the way, when this stupid jock head came up to me as I was leaving and started talking to me. He sounded interested so I gave him some conversation. After about a block of walking and talking he must have picked up on the fact that my voice was a little too deep. He grabbed my arm in mid stride spun me around and asked if I was a dude. I responded, "Not by my choice." He then proceeded to curse me out, then slapped me to the ground and spit in my face. I never felt so humiliated in my life. When does this shit end? If you ask me, HELL YEH, I'm ready to go anywhere. I just don't want to hang around here anymore. I don't know how much more I could take."

"Ya know what guys, let's just get on one of these trains and just leave the city for awhile, leave all the crap behind. The train over there is leaving, going up to Westchester in ten minutes. Let's get our asses on it and go, said Ann."

They all agreed and got on the train heading to Westchester. For most of the ride they were quiet. All three were scared not because they didn't know where they were going, but confused because none of them knew where their lives were headed. None of them knew what the future would hold. The future was a scary thing that they couldn't help but think about all the time.

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