Chapter 11

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                                   (SIX MONTHS LATER)

The friends were meeting for lunch just to catch up on what the others were doing. "What's up Witches, said Ann as she walked over to the table Karen and Tracey were sitting at. Sorry I'm late."

"No need to apologies, said Karen, let me guess. You were arguing with your trick because he didn't have change for a five to pay for your service."

"I see you got your weave under control, said Ann. What was it, grooming day at the animal shelter?"

"Good one Ann, your learning, said Tracey. I knew my star pupil would make me proud one day. (THEY ALL LAUGHED)

"Ya know guys, said Tracey, when I was given my community service to do at the Home for the Elderly, I figured it would be so boring. I imagined myself trying to talk to them and after talking for ten minutes they would say, "What did you say?" I felt the frustration was gonna make me crazy. But you know what, it's not like that all the time. There are some real good folks there, folks that don't mind listening to you. I mean really listen. They even have some interesting stories about their lives they like to tell. One old guy I met told me the story of his partner he had for over 60 years. They met in the military, both were marksmen. They fell in love and stayed together even after their military service.

Both men only new one love all their lives, and that's how the story goes. Now isn't that amazing. He told me his partner passed away last year. That's when my friend decided he would come hear for company and companionship. His story made me feel like there is hope and happiness out there for me too."

"I hear you girl, said Karen. I thought that I would be spending all my time cleaning up animal mess all day long. Well, don't get me wrong it is a lot of that too, but I have become good friends with the head veterinarian. I've even assisted in some minor surgeries and you know what, they were pretty fascinating. The head Vet is a black woman about my Moms age. She said if I was serious about this type of work she could pull some strings to get me into veterinarian school next year."

"Wow Karen, that sounds great, said Ann. Well, I have to tell you guys that cleaning up mess on trains and at station platforms is not the most glamorous job in the world nor is it fascinating. What I find fascinating is the NYC subway system. Over the past few months while doing my community service, I've seen how beautiful the subway system really is. There are levels and levels of train activity that transport millions of people everyday. At some points in the system there are actually three levels of train activity underground. Just imagine how massive that network is, and it all happens beneath our feet. It's like a whole other world underground. I learned the system pretty good too. When I am on the platforms with my official MTA vest on, people actually come up to me, all the time, and ask for directions and I know the answers. I also have to tell you guys something else that's pretty amazing."

"What, got an STD, said Karen?"

"Stop Karen, said Tracey. Can't you see Ann is serious?"

"Ok, said Karen, What's the news?"

"I've met someone," Ann said.

"WHAAAAAAAT, said Tracey and Karen at the same time."

"Yes, said Ann. His name is Michael and he is a train conductor. He has been on the job for two years and he is twenty-three. He said he's gonna help me study for the next conductor exam. Isn't that GREAT! I even brought him home to meet my Mom and she approves. Well,..........she didn't say so in so many words. But I can tell she is happy for me."

"THAT'S GREAT GIRL, I'm so happy for you Ann, said Karen."

"Me too, said Tracey."

"Look we have all come a long way. Just a few months ago, we were in bad shape. Our lives were really turned upside down, but look at us now. Our lives are on the up swing now.

We stuck together, we were always there for one another and that will never change. Friends to the end!!!!

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