Chapter 10

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It was now Monday morning. The friends were going to see the judge and their lives would change forever upon his decision. Two court officers came to get Karen and Ann and brought them into a room down the hall from the courtroom where they were about to stand before the judge. When they got there Tracey was already there. The friends ran to one another, hugged, kissed and cried. In their eyes and on their faces anyone could tell that their spirits were broken. A few minutes later the Sergeant came in and told the friends that he would be back to get them when the judge was ready.

"Ok listen guys, I can't go to jail, said Tracey. I won't make it."

"Listen Tracey, Karen and I have been talking. We are gonna do a Thelma and Louise. We are ready. We decided to end this madness now instead of spending our lives in jail."

"I love you guys. You are the only real family I have ever had, said Tracey. You were the only ones to except me for who I was and not want something in return. My life has meaning when I'm with you guys. One for all and all that jazz. I'm with you guys to the end. Now..........., how do we do it?"

"Have you ever heard of suicide buy police, said Ann? Well, I figure, when the Sergeant comes back in to get us, we jump him and take his gun. All the commotion will cause the other officers to race down the hall with guns drawn. We start shooting the Sergeants gun in the air and that will cause the other officers to start to shoot as soon as they come in this room and see us. We already know that the cops have no trouble with shooting to kill. So, which ever one of us gets his gun, that person just keeps shooting into the ceiling until it's all over." All three looked at one another and agreed.


"Ok, what is the next case we have on the docket, said the judge."

"We have three teenagers that were caught in a breaking and entering offense. As a result, the owner had a mild heart attack, said the prosecuting attorney."

Now addressing the lawyer for the defense, the judge said, Mr. Johnson, I see you have been appointed as public defender to represent the defendants in this case?"

"Yes, your Honor, responded Counsel for the defense."

"Counsel, there are some extenuating circumstances in the paperwork for this case. You want to explain them to me?"

"Yes your Honor, said the public defender. The defendants were involved in a breaking and entering offense. They broke into the owner's patio to take a swim in the owner's pool. The owner called the police and then proceeded to confront the defendants, but had a heart attack in the process. The defendants at that point, called 911 for help and performed CPR until EMS personnel came on the scene. EMS states that if it wasn't for the defendants the woman would have died. I also have a statement written by the Detective on the case after he interviewed the owner two days later. She doesn't want to press charges."

"So, the owner I take it is doing well, said the judge?"

"Yes your Honor, Miss Clair Shukman is doing well. She should be released form the hospital in a few days, said the public defender."

"Ok, let me take a look at the paperwork on the defendant's prior history with the law.......... I see nothing here in the back round checks. Ok, this is going to be an easy one. Counselor, please bring your clients into the courtroom.

The friends were silent. Their hearts were racing. Ann was nauseous, Tracey was feeling lightheaded and about to faint. Karen was trembling so bad her teeth were chattering.

"Remember said Ann, we wait until the Sergeant comes in. Karen you wait behind the door. As he steps in, Tracey you and I charge him. Karen you grab him from behind and who ever gets to the gun first, just remember the gun gets aimed in the air and shots go into the ceiling, and just keep shooting's all over."

The friends sat quiet again when they heard footsteps walking down the hall. This was it. The end for the friends was just a few steps away and getting closer. Everything seemed to go silent with the exception of those footsteps. The Sergeant was on his way down the hall. They each held their breaths. The friends stared at each other one last time. Tears were streaming down their faces. They each knew that this was it, the end was now. As the door opened up a man with a suit walked in they never saw before. It wasn't the Sergeant.

"Hello everyone, I'm your public defender. My name is Mark Johnson. We have a good case, follow me."

The friends were in such shock Tracey and Ann, just sat motionless. Karen was just frozen in place by the door. Their muscles were so tense and ready to spring into their plan, but when the lawyer walked in instead of the Sergeant, it caught them off guard. All they new was that the plan had to be aborted right away. They were so ready to spring into action, but having to hold themselves back, just short circuited their brains briefly. That's why when the lawyer told them to follow him, they couldn't move at first. When he realized the defendants hadn't moved he stepped back into the room and asked if everyone was OK. All the friends could do was shake their heads Ok. They finally started to move and when they did their bodies were stiff, legs almost unable to support them. They walked down the hall as if they were on their way to the gallows. Their opportunity was gone. They had no other choice but to face their fate. But for some strange reason, as they walked down the hallway that led to the courtroom, a sense of hope somehow made it through and awakened their spirits.

"OK, let me see, as the judge looked over the charge. You three are being charged with unlawful entry..............Although this is your first offense, I'm sorry to say, I am going to have to recommend 50 hours of community service for each of you. You are to report to the probation unit 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. There you will be assigned probation counselors. Are there any questions? The friends heard the question, but they could not believe their ears. The judge saw the blank looks on their faces and asked again if there were any questions. The only one that pulled herself together enough to speak was Ann.

"Sir, I would like to know if the old woman is still alive. Did she make it, said Ann?"

"Yes, she is alive thanks to you three. If it wasn't for you guys her outcome would have been much different. Good work by the way. Now, are there anymore questions?"

The courtroom was silent. "Very well, this case is dismissed. What is the next case on the docket, said the judge?"

The prosecuting attorney responded with details of the next case. "Judge we have a case of assault involving a mother and.............

As the court proceedings went on, the friends grabbed each other again and just cried tears of unspeakable joy. A heavy burden had been lifted from their conscious. The old woman had survived. They felt their bodies start to come back to life and breathing came so much easier. They walked out of the courtroom hand in hand hugging each other every step of the way.


The friends met with their individual parole counselors that next morning. Each one of them was given 50 hours of community service just like the judge said. Tracey was given 50 hours of community service at a Home for the Elderly. Karen was given 50 hours of community service at an animal shelter, and Ann was spending her 50 hours picking up trash in train stations for the MTA. Each one was thankful for the chance to live again. They each had to go back to school for the summer in order to make up classes that they had failed in the last quarter of the school year also. All three passed the summer program and were told that they would be able to attend formal graduation in the fall.

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