Chapter 13: Clover Chase

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I finally came out of the Athena cabin after 5 days. Everyone, meaning Liam, Will, and Connor, hustled me into the woods, getting a chance to talk to me.

"Where's Missy?" I immediately asked.

"Gone. She and Percy left. Where's Annabeth?" Will asked.

I shook my head. "With... him." I sneered the last part.

"Your father?" Liam asked.

"He isn't my father!" I shouted.

"Biologically-" Liam started.

"I disowned myself from that family. End of discussion." I say.

"I don't think you can necessarily just disown yourself-" Will started, but I cut him off.

"I said end of discussion!" I snap.

"Clo, chill." Connor said, his eyes wide and full of concern.

Will and Liam looked between us.

"Chemistry?" Will smirked.

"Romantic Chemistry." Liam confirmed.

They both smirked, causing me to blush.

"Shut up!" I say, flustered.

"Awww, Clo, no need to be so embarrassed." Liam said.

I turned and walked away, my face red. Someone jogged next to me. "Go away." I mumbled.

The person took my hand. "I think not." I look up and I am facing Connor, inches away from his face. My heart was racing and my breath quickened. I blushed, he blushed, we both blushed. And I looked down. He let go of my hand and walked away.

Will and Liam walked up behind me, giggling. "Shut up!!!" I say.

"Clover and Connor sit-" I ran off before they could finish, bursting into the fighting arena.

"Oh, my freaking gods you're kidding me?!?" I shout, frustrated. I take out my dagger, stabbing a dummy multiple time through the heart. I touch the tip of the dagger, slicing the head off with my axe.

"That poor dummy." someone said from behind me. I half expected it to be Connor, but I turned around.

"Luke..." I growled.

"So, you're Anni-" He started.

"Annabeth to you, traitor."

He nodded. "Annabeth's sister?" I nodded this time. "Well, we could really use someone. We, meaning Kronos-"

"You think I'm gonna join that freaking-"

"Don't finish that sentence." he winced.

"IM NOT DOING IT." I shouted.

He glared at me, but I stormed out past him. "YOU'LL PAY CHASE! JUST YOU WAIT-" 

Heeheehee... and that concludes the first book of The Olympians Rewritten! Hope you enjoyed, next book will be started soon. This chapter was written by Alivia and edited by me.



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