The Unknowing of Great News

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As Kikyo sat underneath the gazebo enjoying a cup of tea in the early morning, she had a vision of speaking to the young girl with silver red-tipped hair, and two different colored eyes, her left eye golden and left red, who wore a beautiful wedding gown. In the vision, Kikoyo heard herself say "sweetheart it's about time that you were lawfully part of the zoldyck family", as she hugged the girl tightly. The unknown girl giggled as she spoke, "Yes, I'm happy to finally be part of this family, and to be united as one with Illumi". As the girl said that Illumi walked over to his mother and unknown girl. "Hello, my beloved," said Illumi as he pecked the girl's forehead.

Kikyo watched as the girl looked at Illumi with such love in her eyes and with a smile, then gave him a peck on the lips after he gave her one on the forehead. Kikyo shook her head and looked up to see she was back underneath the gazebo with her cup of tea in her hand. Over the time span of a week, Kikyo has been seeing multiple visions of the same young woman happy with her son. Once Kikyo saw that vision of the girl and her son on their wedding day she knew that this girl was the one that needed to be part of her son's life.

Though Kikyo then thought of the relationship that her son Illumi and (Y/N) had, she formed a small smile though it soon turned to a frown. "Gotoh", Kikyo called out to the man that stood by closely. Gotoh walked over to Kikyo and bowed, "Yes Mistress". "Summon (Y/N) for me", Kikyo spoke out to the butler. "Yes mistress", Gotoh said then left to get the girl.

Groggily sitting up in bed, you noticed the space where Illumi normally laid was empty. Stretching your arms while a yawn came out of your mouth, you started to feel extremely dizzy. Widening your eyes you ran to the bathroom in Illumi's room with your hand over your mouth. Once reaching the toilet you started to puke, as you finished puking you flushed the toilet. Sitting back on the floor you looked up at the bathroom ceiling still feeling dizzy. After just sitting on the bathroom floor you pulled yourself to a cabinet and opened it to take out your pouch, which was filled with tampons, pads, and two pregnancy tests. 

As you pulled both of the pregnancy boxes out you released a sigh. "Well I didn't really think I'd actually be using them", you spoke out to no one in particular with a chuckle. Going to use the toilet you used the first pregnancy test and left in on the bathroom counter, meanwhile, you went back into the bedroom and started to dress into a pair of black shorts, an off the shoulder (F/C) (Favorite color) blouse, with black heeled combat boots. Once done dressing up fixing your hair you went back into the bathroom and picked up the pregnancy test. Taking a deep breath you looked at the test to see that it was positive. With a gasp, you took out the other pregnancy test of its box to use it and see if that one would turn out positive.

After taking the second test you went to the vanity in the bedroom and started to do a natural makeup look. Once finished with the look you returned to the bathroom and looked at the pregnancy test to see that it was also positive as the first one. Putting a hand over your mouth after realizing a small gasp. You put a hand on your belly knowing that in a few months your belly will show. As you looked at yourself in the mirror you smiled brightly, "Illumi will be a father, to our baby". Once saying those words a knock was heard at the bedroom door, grabbing the pregnancy tests and hiding them in the pouch, and putting the pouch back in the cabinet (Y/N) went to the bedroom door to see Gotoh. "Ah, good morning Gotoh", (Y/N) spoke. Gotoh bowed his head as he spoke, "Good morning young mistress (Y/N), Mistress Kikyo summons you at the gazebo.

With a smile, you step out of Illumi's room, as you closed the door you say a quick "thank you", to Gotoh. With that Gotoh bowed and walked away, just as you turned and started to walk down the hall to speak with Kikyo. Once reaching Kikyo you sat on one of the chairs. To see that she looked kinda distant today, worried (Y/N) spoke out, "Kikyo are yo--"

Not being able to finish your sentence Kikyo abruptly spoke, "I need you to leave (Y/N)". "Wait, what", you said confused. "...I need you to leave this house, leave Illumi", Kikyo said coldly. Standing up you go over to Kikyo and squat down, "Kikyo please why are you saying this, I love illumi, and I'm--". Before you could finish Kikyo harshly backhanded you, causing you to fall back as you looked up at Kikyo with a shocked face, Kikyo stood up from her seat to say. "I'll say this once more, leave this house at once or I'll kill will never be worthy of the Zoldyck name". With that Gotoh and another butler had brought out two large luggage and a bag that contained your belongings.

   Standing up with tears falling from your eyes you grab the luggage from Gotoh and start to walk away only to hear your name being screamed. Turning around you see Killua and Alluka running towards you and seeing Silva, Zeno, and Illumi standing by Kikyo. Dropping down to your knees you hug the two little ones in a hug. "Please don't go (Y/N)", Killua said with tears falling. "Please don't leave us big sis", Alluka cried out to you. "I'm sorry but I don't have a chose Im not welcomed here anymore", While saying those words you felt your heart shatter and tears started to fall.

Killu saw this and felt angry turning around to look at his family he ran to Illumi, pointing at Illumi Killua yelled "BAKA, why are you just standing there and not doing anything don't you love her". Illumi just looked down, "Killua please stop it's okay, I guess I'm just not worthy enough". Shocked to hear your words Killua turned around to look at you, just as Illumi also raised his head and looked at you too. Letting go of Alluka you stood up and patted her head, smiling softly (Y/N) turned around grabbed hold of her luggage, and started to walk away from the Zoldyck mansion. As Illumi watched (Y/N) walk away he stepped forward as he raised his arm out as if to reach out for the girl only to have his mother put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't Illumi this is so the best", Illumi dropped his arm looked at his mother then back towards (Y/N's) figure growing smaller as she walked. All while Killua walked to the crying Alluka and hugged her tightly as he whispered, "It's okay Alluka, I'm sure we will see her again".

Author-Chan: Hello everyone I hope you like this chapter and as always I am so sorry for any Grammar and spelling mistakes. Will then until next chapter. Bye-Bye 

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