The Help of Spiders

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With the feeling of desperation of not only being kicked out of the only home you knew since waking up with no recollection of your past memories, but also that you would never see Illumi, the man you loved, or Alluka and Killua broke your heart to pieces. It has been a couple of hours since the girl left the Zoldyck mansion behind her, and soon enough she would be landing in Yorknew City. By the time 11:30 pm (Y/N) was walking down the streets of YorkNew City trying to look for a nice affordable place to stay at, but as she walked she failed to notice the eyes of a predator. 

As (Y/N) looked down at her cellphone to look for the address of the hotel a man rushed towards her taking her purse and bolting away with it that contained all the money she had. (Y/N) soon started to run after the man while she pulled her suitcases behind her. After running a couple blocks the girl had trouble keeping up with the man, because of being exhausted from jet lag and feeling utterly unhappy. Once the man turned the corner she soon felt scared she might lose him for good. As soon (Y/N) turned the corner she bumped into something hard, falling back on her bum, (Y/N) stood up quickly as she held her stomach trying to look for the man.

Feeling overwhelmed (Y/N) let out a loud curse word when she couldn't spot the man who took her cash., then looked over at the thing she bumped into, only to see a group of people, 13 to be exact, bowing her head she apologized for running into them like that. The man with black hair and a bandage covering his forehead, as he wore a black suit, stepped forward and asked (Y/N), "Are you okay miss, you seem very stressed and exhausted". Sighing deeply (Y/N) spoke out to the man as the rest of the group just listened, "Yeah I'm fine, it's just that this day has been absolutely terrible, I've lost everything". As tears started to fall from the girls 

eyes the other members of the group calmed down from their guard stance, as they were suspicious of the girl. Soon a blond woman in a purple working suit walked to (Y/N) to place a hand on her shoulder. (Y/N) looked up at the woman's face to hear her say, "It seems that it's absolutely horrible right now with what you are going through, but in the end it's going to be alright". (Y/N) gave off a small smile then spoke softly, "heh I guess you're right, well then I should get out of your hair, and find a way where I can stay somewhere for the night".

You turn around and about to walk away when you hear, "Please come with us we can help you, with no money you won't be able to find a place, and no lady should have to sleep out in the streets", looking back at the person's voice you see the male with the bandage around his forehead. With a smile you shake your head, "I wouldn't want to be a bother to you all". "Nonsense, I would never allow a lady like you out in the streets alone", the man said. Smiling (Y/N) spoke out to the man, "Alright but just for tonight".

 "Alright......pardon me what is your name", the dark haired man said. "(Y/N), my name is (Y/N)", the girl spoke out as she reached out to shake the man's hand. Taking (Y/N's) hand the man spoke out, "And I'm chrollo. (Y/N) smiled at the man now known as chrollo and she said, "I'm glad to have met you chrollo". "Likewise", Chrollo said back to the girl. After that the girl and the troupe all started to walk back to the place where the troupe were staying. 

-20 Minute skip- (Brought to you by smexy Chrollo)

Once reaching the abandoned building you looked puzzled asking, "Uh Chrollo why are we here, isn't this place abandoned. Chrollo looked at you then spoke, "yes it's abandoned but it's where we are staying. "Oh okay", you say somewhat skeptical. Once inside you noticed the place looked cleaner and moderately furnished with the necessities to a comfortable living.

Soon the troupe members took off to do their own things but the blond woman came to you. "I'll be showing you where you'll be staying tonight" ,she spoke out to you. Nodding to the woman you followed her lead down a hall, to soon get to the room you'll be staying. Once putting your bags in the corner of the room you sat on the single bed and looked at the woman before you. "Thank you....uh". "Pakunoda, my name is Pakunoda", the blonde woman said. Smiling, you said, "Thank you Pakunoda". Pakunoda nodded at you then spoke, "you should rest now tomorrow will see what happens". With that she closed the door behind her as she walked out the room. Sighing (Y/N) took off her shoes then flopped back onto the bed to soon enough close her eyes and fall asleep. 

Hello Author-Chan here I hope you all liked this chapter and as always I'm sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes. Well then untill next chapter.

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