Chapter 2: Camping, Barty Crouch and Ludo Bagman

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Harry felt as if he had just fallen asleep, when he started to feel someone shaking him awake. Harry opens his eyes sleepily and sees that it was Molly Weasley shaking him. Molly whispers, "Time to go, Harry. Snape is already awake, having his tea." Harry yawns and stretches as Mrs. Weasley moves over to Ron to wake him up. Harry feels around for his glass for a minute or 2, until he finds them under his pillow and puts them on. He could hear Ron muttering to himself as Mrs. Weasley shakes Fred and George awake. Harry watches as the twins wake up yawning and stretching. Fred said sleepily, "It's time already?" As they get out of bed, Mrs. Weasley heads downstairs to make breakfast for them. Harry, Ron, Fred and George get dressed and heads downstairs. They walk into the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley stirring a large pot on the stove. Mr. Weasley was sitting at the table with Snape, looking at the tickets. He looks at the sound of the boys entering the kitchen and stands up. Snape looks at Harry and smiles. Mr. Weasley spreads his arms so that the boys could see what he was wearing. Harry raises his eyebrows as he realizes that Mr. Weasley was wearing a blue golfing sweater and a pair of well-worn jeans. It looks as if the jeans were a bit big, because the jeans were being held up by a leather belt. Mr Weasley said, "What do you think? We're supposed to go incognito. Do I look like a muggle, Harry?" Snape smirks amusingly as Harry smiles, "Yeah, Very good, Mr. Weasley." Mr. Weasley smiles as he sits down. Harry looks over at Snape and looks in surprised. Snape looks more like a muggle than Mr. Weasley! Snape was wearing a pair of black slacks, a white button down shirt and a gray zip up sweater. His hair was in a ponytail at the nape of his neck. Harry smiles, "You look good, dad." Snape smiles, "Thank you, Harry." George yawns and said, "Where's Bill, Charlie and Percy?" Mrs. Weasley said, "I think they are apparating, so they can have a bit of a lie in." Fred said, "So they're still in bed? Why can't we apparate?" Fred pulls his bowl of porridge towards him, looking grumpy. Mrs. Weasley said crossly, "Because you're not of age yet and you haven't passed your test." Snape chuckles as she looks around and adds, "Where have those girls got to?" She leaves the kitchen to find them. Harry looks at Mr. Weasley and said, "You have to pass a test to Apparate?" Mr. Weasley puts the tickets into the back pocket of his jeans and said, "Oh yes. The Department of Magical Transportation had to fine a couple of people the other day for apparating without a license. It's not easy apparating, when it's not done properly. It can lead to nasty complications. This pair I'm talking about, went and splinched themselves." Everyone at the table wince, except Harry. Harry said, "Splinched? What does that mean, Mr. Weasley?" Mr Weasley said, as he put some treacle onto his porridge, "They left half of themselves behind. So, of course, they were stuck. They couldn't move either way. They had to wait for the Accidental Magic Reverse Squad to sort them out. It meant a fair old bit of paperwork, I can tell you. What with the muggles who spotted the body parts they had left behind and all." Harry looks shocked as he said, "Were they ok?" Mr. Weasley said, "Oh yes, but they received a heavy fine. I don't think they'll be trying it again any time soon. You don't mess around with apparition. There are plenty of adult wizards who don't bother with it. I prefer brooms. They may be slower, but they are safer." Harry said, "But Bill, Charlie and Percy can all do it, right?" Fred grins, "Charlie had to take the test twice. He failed the 1st time. He apparated 5 miles south of where he meant to. Right on top of some poor old lady doing her shopping, remember?" Mrs. Weasley said firmly, "Yes well, he passed the 2nd time." The twins chuckles in respond. George said, "Percy passed the test just 2 weeks ago. He's been apparating downstairs ever since, just to prove he can." Hermione and Ginny enter the kitchen looking very tired. Ginny said as she rubs her eyes and sits at the table, "Why do we have to be up so early?" Mr. Weasley said, "We have a bit of a walk." Harry said, "Walk? Are we walking to the World Cup?" Mr. Weasley smiles, "No no, that's miles away. We only need to walk a short way. It's just that it's very difficult for a large number of wizards to meet without attracting the attention of muggles. We have to be very careful about how we travel, even at the best of times. Especially on a huge occasion like the Quidditch World Cup." Mrs. Weasley said sharply, "George Weasley!" Everyone jumps at the sudden sharpness of her voice. They all look from George to Mrs. Weasley. George said, acting innocent, "What?" Mrs. Weasley said, "What is that in your pocket!" George said, "Nothing, mum!" Mrs. Weasley said, "Don't you lie to me!" She points her wand at George's pocket and said, "Accio!" A couple of small, brightly colored sweets fly out of George's pocket. He made a grab for them, but ended up missing. The sweets fly right into Mrs. Weasley's outstretched hand. Mrs. Weasley said, "We told you to destroy the Ton-Tongue toffees! We told you to get rid of the lot! Empty your pockets! Go on, both of you!" It looks as if the twins were trying to take as many of the toffees out of the house as they could. Mrs. Weasley managed to find them all using her Summoning Charm. Mrs. Weasley said, "Accio! Accio! Accio!" Fred shouts as Mrs. Weasley throws away all of the toffees, "We spent 6 months developing those!" Mrs. Weasley shouts back, "Oh, a fine way to spend 6 months! No wonder you didn't get more O.W.Ls!" Needless to say, the departure was less than happy. Once everyone got ready, Mrs. Weasley still looked mad as she kissed Mr. Weasley on the lips. Not nearly as much as the twins were. Both of them picked up their rucksacks and put them on their backs. Then they walked out the door without another word to her. Mrs. Weasley said, "Well, have a lovely time and behave yourselves. I'll send Bill, Charlie and Percy along around midday." Mr. Weasley nods and waves in response as he, Snape, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny walked across the yard after the twins.

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