Chapter 10

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These past two weeks have been hell. I went back to school yesterday and it was a hell of an experience. Everyone kept looking at me and whispering but I just tried my best to ignore it. I haven't spoke to Cole since everything that went down. He did say he was sorry for my moms death though. Today is my moms funeral.  Its later on In the day but I'm going to school, mainly because I'm so far behind. Those two weeks really knocked my grades down

I scream myself awake every single day asking for my mom. But she's never there. Sometimes Allison will come in to comfort me, sometimes Victoria or Chris. I lie there awake and switch my alarm off. I get out of bed and quickly make my bed before taking a shower.

Lydia went missing from the hospital last night so I've been waiting for information on that.

I get out of the shower and head into my room where I blow dry and curl my hair.  I do my makeup very slowly whilst looking at myself in the vanity unit. My eyes were red and puffy like every morning when I wake up. I wish my mom was here. She help with the constant throbbing of my head and the nightmares. Like she said she would.

Once my makeup was done I get dressed. I put on a black denim skirt with some black tights and then a white top. I take my dress for the funeral downstairs with me and leave it with my bag whilst I get breakfast.

I get some Advil and quickly take it with some water. "You know you don't have to go to school today. You don't have to go back to school till your comfortable." Victoria says and I sigh. "I am falling in all my lessons. I was an A* student. Now I'm hardly getting F's that's just from the two weeks off. I'm going back. My mom wouldn't want me to just mope around all day. She'd want me to get a good grades." I say and chris smiles sympathetically. 

I didn't eat much of my breakfast I just basically played with it. "Come on Clara." Allison says holding my hand. I stand up and follow Allison out but I grab my bag and dress. I left my stuff for thr funeral in the back of Ally's car. "Girls, if you feel like you want to come home. You can." Chris says and I nod before getting into Allison's car.

"You're strong." Allison says and I sigh. "You know, your aloud to be upset to. You two were close as well." I say and she holds my hand and squeezes it. "I'm okay." Allison says and I nod.

We get to school and I grab my bag and dress and take it to my locker. I put my things in my locker and look at everyone staring at me. I roll my eyes and grab some textbooks and notebooks before heading to home room.

I had a busy first two periods of trying to understand what the teachers were saying because I had so long off. I didn't understand most of it.

My third period was chemistry and I walk in and meet eyes with Stiles. He taps the seat beside him and I smile slightly then go sit beside him.

Me and Stiles have gotten a lot closer since my moms death. He's came to the house to see me a few times as well. I look down at my notebook and smile whilst remembering the first time Stiles came over. 

I was in bed hugging one of my moms jumper. It had been two days since my mom died. Chris and Victoria had just gone through my moms room and started to get rid of everything. I had kept a few things which were now in a smaller box in the corner of my room.

Small taps on my window caused me to groan and get out of bed. I open my window and look out to see Stiles throwing stones at my windows. "Stiles what are you doing?" I question quickly wiping my eyes. "Can I come up?" He asks and I nod.

It took Stiles about ten minutes to climb up. I fold my moms jumper up and put it on top of the box of here stuff. "What's up?" I ask sitting on my bed. "I'm wanted to check in on you, I tried ringing you off Scott's phone a few times. But you didn't answer." He says honestly. "I'm fine Stiles honestly you didn't have to come here." I say and looks at me with eyes full of worry. "Actually I sort of did, I don't have your number." He says and I laugh slightly. "You could of got my number from Scott." I say and he scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah I could of." He says and I tap the bed for him to down next to me.

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