Chapter 43

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When I wake up I was in my pyjamas I quickly sit up and look around my room. I wasn't hungover I just had a headache really. I notice Stiles flannel from last night on the back of my chair which made me feel funny. I quickly lean over to my nightstand to see if I got any messages from Stiles. Unfortunately I didn't which made me feel as though something bad had happened.

I rush out of my room and into the kitchen to see Issac filling up three glasses of water. "Oh good morning sunshine." He says and I roll my eyes. "Are you hungover?" He asks sarcastically. "Nope." I say barging past him for the Advil.

I grab it and then take the Advil with Issacs water. "Are you serious?" He questions and I giggle and pat his back before grabbing a granola bar and heading back into my room.

After eating my granola bar I have a shower to make myself feel better. It's gone 10am so it's obvious I'm not going to school today.

After my shower I blow dry and straighten my hair. I put on some grey joggers and a grey crop top.

I head out of my room and into Chris' office where everyone was. "You're not going alone." Allison says as I walk in. "Going where?" I ask innocently leaning against the door frame.

After Allison explaining everything from Issac getting attacked to the fight last night I felt slightly better and not so left out.

"If she's going I'm going." I say to Chris and he sighs. "If they're both going so am I." Issac says and chris leans over a map. "I don't feel good about bringing any of you." Chris says annoyed slightly.

"They were looking right at Scott when the sun came up." Issac says and I look at Chris worried. "That doesn't necessarily mean he's the one they're after." Chris says.

"But what if he is?" I ask and he takes a deep breath. "If he is, it only leaves us till nightfall to come up with a plan to protect him." Chris says and I smile. I lean over the table and pick up a gun and cock the gun.

"Its been too long." I say smiling at the gun in my hand. I look up from my gun to see all three of them looking at me. "You shot Barrow the night before last." Issac says and I raise my eyebrow whilst checking the bullets in this gun. "Your point is?" I ask in a threatening tone with the gun in my hand. "Nothing." He says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly making me smile.

After coming up with a plan we head down to Chris' car. Once we get down there my phone buzzed. I check to see who it was from then saw the name scotty boy and sighed, because I'm still waiting for Stiles to call or atleast text.

Scotty boy- Stiles is in the hospital. My mom didn't explain much, just that he's there. She said he's gonna need someone when he wakes up.

Clara- of course. You don't even have to ask, I'll head there now.

"Stiles is in the hospital." I say as Allison opens the door. "Oh my God." Allison says and I nod. "I need to be there." I say and she nods. "Obviously, go!" She says and I rush back up the apartment to get my car keys.

I head into my room and put on Stiles red and blue flannel I wore into the Sheriffs station last night. I grab my car keys and head down to my car and to the hospital.

When I get to the hospital I pace around the waiting room whilst waiting for Melissa.

"Clara." Mellisa says and I spin around to see her stood there. "Where is? What happened? Is he okay?" I say bombarding her with questions and she puts her hands on my shoulders.

"He's okay, he's just sleep deprived. I gave him a sedative." She says and signals for me to follow her, which I do. "He's going to be just fine." She says when she notices my discomfort. "I just thought he'd want someone here when he wakes up." She says and I nod.

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