Chapter 26: Like the brother I never had.

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Cindy's POV

"We need to talk"

"Can it wait? I really need to find-"

"-It can't" he says, and I look into his eyes. So many emotions swirling in his mesmerising black orbs. Determination, pain...fear. What's wrong?

"Ok...please be quick" I say and he takes me into the school. He shares a look with Ryan and he nods. The girl beside Ryan kisses him, he kisses her back.

I hold back tears. He enters the car and drives off. Oh, he's on suspension.

We stop at the nurse's office and I raise an eyebrow.

"I think you need to get that wrapped up first" he says, pointing to my pale red week hand, he'seyes hazing with anger, before he coughs it away. I blush, he noticed.

I nod and enter the nurse's office. She stares at my hand, tears springing to her eyes, but she doesn't ask, because she knows I'll give her the same answer, I'm okay.

I'm not...

She gently massages, me wincing at the pain. Then she wraps it up with a pink bandage and gives it a little kiss.

"If I find out who's hurting you, I won't spare that person" she whispers and I flinch at the spite in her tone.

I smile at her, thank her and leave. Vincent stands and come to me. He looks so tired.

We enter an empty lab and sit down. I guess we'll be missing homeroom.

"Cindy, I'm going to ask you some questions and I need you to be honest with me, okay?" He asks and I hesitate

"Please"  he begs and I nod a little.


"Do you at any time feel like you're being watched?"


"Okay. You have maids in your house right?"


"Is there any staff that was just hired?" He asks and I remember the wierd new maid


"A maid? Driver? Bodyguard?"


"Okay. Are you guys close? Like, do you tell her stuff, laugh and joke around together?"

"No, she seems a bit wierd"

"Wierd in what way? Personality? Behaviour? Stalkerish?"

"Well, she's always quiet and on her own, but I noticed that she stays in corners of the house. One day, I was leaving the house and i saw her in a dark corner, watching me. She was on phone though, so i didn't really read much into it" I explain, my heart beating a bit faster now, what's he getting at?

"Oh...Cindy, can you do me a favour?"

"Anything" I reply, instantly

"Can you like keep a watch on her? Like, try to I don't know get her doing something wrong. Just try to make your parents fire her"

"They'd never listen unless I gave them a good reason."

"Hmmmm. Your parent's are a case huh?"

"Tell me about it" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Okay. Just promise you won't go anywhere alone"

"I promise" I whisper, tears coming to my eyes, he cares...

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