Chapter 37: Practices and anxiety attacks

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Cindy's POV

I nervously step into the music room, and all eyes are on me. Just as I predicted, there are very few boys, not that I'm trying to be sexist or anything.

"Right. She's finally here, our saviour!" Missy Shelly yells and I blush, they clap and I look around, wow, I hardly know anyone here. I remember Diane, my Chemistry partner in 9th grade. Speaking of Chemistry, Ryan hasn't tutored me in a while. I guess with all the drama, we kinda forgot.

My eyes land on a cute asian boy in glasses and he looks really cute. I immediately go sit beside him. He looks away immediately and blushes, I almost coo.

"Hey" I whisper as Mrs Shelly starts writing something on the whiteboard

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"Hey" I whisper as Mrs Shelly starts writing something on the whiteboard.

He turns red and looks at me, before quickly looking away. I smile.

"My name's Cindy, what's yours?" I ask and he coughs. I catch a girl who's blonde hair is in pigtails glaring at me and I look away.

"Quentin" He says and I smile. His voice, It's a soft manly voice, not deep, but not like a girl's either and it has an accent.

"Quentin, I like it. So, how old are you?" I ask and his eyes widen a bit


"Hmm" I say and turn to face Mrs Shelly, she's writing the lyrics of Brave by Sara Bareilles. I smile.

She arranged us and puts me in front of everyone.

"Mrs Shelly, Can I-uh, stay on the same line with everyone?" I ask and she looks surprised, everyone does, Then she smiles and puts me on the same line but in the middle.

Everyone knows the song, so I assume she must have told them beforehand.

We start and I love the sound. It's like a capella but we're using instruments though. You can clearly hear the bass, tenor, alto and soprano. I'm don't know mine but my voice is kinda overshadowing everyone's, so I keep it down. Mrs Shelly looks at me and stops us.

"Cindy, why did you stop singing high?" She asks and I flush.

"I uh, I felt like I was a bit louder than everyone" I say in a low voice and I catch Quentin's eyes, he's smiling, and it just makes him look more beautiful.

Mrs Shelly just laughs.

"It's fine. But your voice will be louder anyway, since you're using a mic on that day. Though I must say, you are completely different from China, she loved the spotlight." She says and I shrug and give a small smile.

We start over and over and over again. Until Mrs Shelly is satisfied. She claps and grins. While people groan and sit back on their chairs.

"That was awesome guys, great work. Our second song is Memories by Elijah Hill. Cindy, your solo is Flashlight by Jessie .j." She announces and I nod.

I carry my bag with one strap and look at Quentin who was already staring at me, I blush-I have been doing this a lot today- He gives me a toothy grin and my heart jumps out of my chest.

Gosh, this boy is beautiful.

"You are beautiful" I whisper and quickly cover my mouth, eyes wide. He chuckles, his earlier shyness gone, but I catch his blush.

"You're not to bad yourself" he says and I smile.

We walk out together, holding hands. I realise how tall he is, he's like Jake's height. I feel eyes staring at our joined hands. I look back, but I just see the almost empty school hallways. It's weird coming to school during break. It looks cold and empty.

"What's wrong?" He asks and I smile

"Nothing, it just feels odd being here when there are no classes."

"Yeah? I've gotten used to it. This is not the first time" he says, shrugging. He looks at his watch and frowns.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just, my driver's a bit late" He says as if it's normal and I open my mouth to speak.

"I can-"

"I can drive you home" The girl from earlier says in a cheery voice and I wonder where she came from, I was pretty sure no one was behind us.

He looks at her and frowns a bit.

"I-it's fine, i-i, uh, he'll be here s-soon anyways" He says, now back to his shy self and I frown.

"Oh come on, Tinman, it's not like this is the first time!" She says in a loud cheery voice and grabs his hand, pulling him with her and he gives me a sheepish smile.

I wave and he waves back as he enters her small cute car. She glares at me before entering and I wonder if she has a crush on him or something.

I smile at him and he smiles back before they speed away. I feel eyes on me again and this time the girl's gone, so who could it be.

I look around and catch a man in black, but he enters a black car and they drive off. I hurriedly enter my car and drive off too. From the side mirror, I see the car turn and start following me.

Oh God...

I speed, driving as fast as I can. Should i go to my house? I need to be sure if they really are following me first. I take a right turn and they do too. I take another turn and they do too. Then I park my car in front of a green house and they pack theirs too. I put my head down and wait.

They do too, shit, what do I do!

I call Vincent with Shaky hands.


'V-Vincent, a b-bla.'

'Are you okay, shortcake?'

'V-Vincent, I'm being followed, there's a black car following me' I say and he sighs, I hear muffled voices, like he's covering the phone with his hand so o won't hear. But I strain my ear.

"I told you to stop it"

"Well, She said Fox was being stubborn"

"Leave her alone, Marco. I'll talk to Fox, tell them to leave her alone." He grits out and I hear a huff.

Suddenly the voices zone out as the black car starts moving, my vision becomes blurry and I try to calm down. I hate this ! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! Ever since the incident with Chase, I always get scared easily and I hate it!

I hate it so much, and yet I can't bring myself to hate him. I hear my name from my phone, but I I alredy feel dizzy. A man comes out from the car.



'Fuck. Marco!' Is the last thing I hear before I'm out cold.


Hey peeps

So I know this is a bit late and I'm sorry.

Gn guys

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Love ya'll 😘

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