Part 1. Her Secret

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"Good morning" His gruff voice made her thighs clench.

She lived for his early morning voice, the way it lazily drawled and sensuous, vibrating around the room. The dark, warm honeyed baritone surrounded her like a vice grip, almost making her crave for it again and again. Rachel could help but think about hearing that voice above her as he pushed her in the bed, towering over her and whispering dirty things in her ear. A shiver crawled down her spine.

Rachel looked up, bouncing on the balls of her feet awkwardly, "Morning sir. Is there anything that you need?"

Her eyes raked over his body. He was dressed in an Emporio black Armani, tight around his muscular body. He had a black lion stud ring on his long index finger, gliding effortlessly across the report. A thick, expensive watch sat on his wrist, shining in the light filtered through the window. His hair was slicked back, a single strand falling on his forehead. She felt jealous of that strand for kissing his glistening forehead.

"Yes. If you are not busy, you can get me a coffee. My usual." Matt instructed with a warm smile on his face. It was so infectious that she immediately smiled back. His parents surely did a great job naming him Matt, meaning "gift of God".

Rachel stared at the curve of his lips and dimples digging into the side of his cheeks, the hollow shape almost making her want to take a lick. She averted her eyes instead of staring at the painting on the wall behind him.

"Is that all?"


"I'll be right back!"

She bolted out of the office as soon as she can. Rachel fanned her face, leaning against the wall and trying not to burst out in tears. Why was Matt the perfect specimen of a man? Sometimes she wants to be shameless and admit all her darkest fantasies on his face. That would get her fired though, and it's the only reason she's holding back.

Taking a deep breath, she focused on making the cup of coffee for her boss. Non-fat milk, one sugar. Just like the way she has been preparing for two years. Seven hundred days and she still cannot get over her ridiculous crush. It was pathetic. But no one has to know that except for her fans.

"Here's your coffee, sir," She handed him the mug.

"Perfect. Thanks, Rach."

Can she melt into a puddle? He only uses that nickname when he's in a good mood. She felt a little special knowing that she's the only one who got a nickname from him.

Matt hummed, taking a sip before putting it down on his desk.

"You're welcome. Anything else, Sir?" She asked, batting her eyelashes at him flirtatiously. As if he would even notice! Rachel has been trying for months, and nothing worked. Maybe she should just give up.

Matt would never go for someone like her. Her brunette hair was long, always tied up to appear professional and she wore cheap suits to save money so she can send them for her mother's medicine and younger brothers education. She was pale but fortunately had full wide lips and no gag reflex, which is why she's a hit among the audience on the app.

"Umm...Why don't you take a seat and look pretty while I get this project done, yeah?" Matt arched his brow. Typical Monday. She slumped back on her seat and leaned back. It was going to be a long day.

Dickinson: you look sexy today, baby girl

That's the first message she saw pop up on her screen. It was time for her another job.

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