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"I'M SORRY CHE-" Jaemin got cut off by Chenle's phone ringing. "So you gonna get that or?"
"It's probably Renjun or something you can answer it"
"okay!" Jaemin reached over to grab Chenle's phone which was on the charger. "Eunji? huh? odd" Chenle looked at the older boy confused,
"Eunji?" Jaemin picked it up.

"Hey Eunji whats up!" Jaemin said excitedly,
"Jaemin? I thought I called Chenle- whatever is Chenle also with you?" Jaemin nodded forgetting she can't see through the screen.
"OH i mean yeah" Chenle shook his head slowly looking down while Jaemin sadly hehed,
"Cool can you put me on speaker?"
"Sure!" Jaemin put the phone down between both him and Chenle, both boys looking down at the phone. Jaemin moved his hand to press the 'speaker' button. "You're on speaker Eunji!"

"Thanks Jaemin"
"What do you need Eunji?" Chenle asked oddly, the only time Eunji really called was if it was an emergency which was rare.
"Have either of you seen Hyuck? He was with Renjun but Renjun hasn't seen him and he was meant to be home about 2 hours ago" The two boys looked at each other scared,
"uh no sorry Eunji-"
"shit" they heard a slap from the other end "ow shouldn't facepalm myself, anyway I'm sorry for disrupting you boys I'm really worried, the boys here are worried but they're in bed now and-"

"We'll go drive around the area to see if his walking okay Eunji? Just sit and relax leave it up to all of us" Chenle cut her off. Eunji sighed,
"Thank you boys really"
"Its okay Eunji! We'll find him soon now we'll get going now so his home asap! Bye Eunji!"
"Bye Jaemin, bye Chenle"
"Byeeeeeeee-" they hung up.
"alright let's get this show on the road" Chenle said getting up to grab Jaemin's keys.


"I know"
"oh" Eunji said, then realised how much Jisung was puffing, "why are you puffing?"
"I was out for a run-"
"at 9:30 at night?" Eunji raised her brow while the boy on the other side of the line smiled.
"Okay I'm lying I was walking to your house because Haechan had some folders I asked him to hang on to for school for me and I was going to pick them up"

"I was almost there until Jeno rang me and I started running this area a few times incase he was near"
"Thank you Jisung I'll let you go back to that, also when we do find him I've got your folders so come here afterwards okay?"
"Okay Eunji thank you goodbye" Jisung said smiling,
"Bye Jisung" Eunji said hanging up the phone giggling, what a dork she thought picking up school work at 9:30? pfft.


"EUNJI" Renjun's voice rang through the phone,
"Yes Renjun what do you need at-" she paused and looked at her phone time, "10?"
"He was with Lucas-"
"calm down-"
"MY BROTHER WAS MEANT TO BE HOME 5 HOURS AGO DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN" Eunji said infuriated at the fact Lucas lied to her.

"We're on our way with Jisung and Lu-"
"You, Hyuck and Jisung are welcome to come in the house. Not Lucas."
"you sure?"
"I'm just disappointed"


A/N: Im sorry if there are mistakes I am really tired:(

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