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"Noona" Gyeong looked at her.
"Yes Gyeong whats the matter?" she looked down at him while he sat on her right knee,
"Is San hyung your boyfriend?" the boy looked at her curiously as the girl choked on her own saliva.
"Gyeong what made. you. think. that" she said between coughs, San on the other side of the screen smirked hearing the conversation before going back to talking to Daehyun about his purple teddy bear collection.

"Oh I don't know" Gyeong shrugged, "you seem to be very close" Eunji looked at the boy weirdly,
"Renjun and I are very close, and you don't say we're dating" Gyeong looks up at her and back to the phone showing san looking forward. Gyeong slowly turned his head to face his sister.

"Because you're friends because of hyung-"
"Gyeong we were friends before that, Hyuck happened to know him through me"
"Really?" all three boys looked at her interested,
"uh yea-" a doorbell and a few knocks at the front door interrupted her. "Hey San can you entertain those two for a second, I have people to scream at" Eunji sour smiled at the camera before turning her eyes at the door.

The two boys stood up for her to stand up before they sat back down again. Eunji grabbed the keys off the key rack before angry stomping towards the door hoping the boys would be scared by the fury she had held within her.

She unlocked the door and opened it to four boys standing in front of her. Jisung, Renjun, the brat and him... Lucas. Eunji dragged Jisung, Renjun and Hyuck into the house, she gave Lucas the dirtiest look and then said the words "my fat ass you don't know where he is" Lucas looked at her. He smiled a bit embarrassed and then opened his mouth to speak but she cut in "NO I don't want to hear what you say"
"Lucas just wait in the car" Renjun said before Lucas sadly nodded and slumped his way over to wait in the car while Eunji slammed the door in the poor boys face.

"You two" she clicked her fingers and Renjun and Hyuck "My room. NOW" both of the boys quickly ran up the stairs while Jisung stood beside her,
"uh what about me?" he poked her, Eunji looked at him and smiled "you can go play with the boys they're talking to San" Jisung smiled and walked over to the phone seeing San play with the boys distracting them from what's happening.

Eunji sighed as she slowly walked up the staircase trying to collect what she was about to scream at the two boys in her room seated in silence. She opens the door to see her brother on the bed with his head in his hands and Renjun at the window looking out at the city lights.

As Eunji closed the door both the boys looked towards her, she sat down at her desk chair turning the chair to face where Haechan was directly in front of her. "Why were you late home HUH?" Eunji crossed her arms over her chest sitting up straight while Renjun just stood there with his back against the window.

"I-I'm s-sorr-"
"Sorry won't take back the 5 hours you have been missing. You had two 5 YEAR OLDS AFRAID YOU WERE GONE. DO YOU HEAR ME?! TWO 5 YEAR OLD BOYS THAT CARE AND LOVE THEIR OLDER BROTHER AFRAID THEIR BROTHER JUST" she clicked her fingers "DISAPPEARED" Eunji snapped. It wasn't like Haechan to do this. He was normally the type to be home at the specific time, if late he'll text Eunji saying he'll be an hour or two late. Not 5 hours and no notice.

"I-I'm s-sorry i r-really a-am" Haechan spat out before he bursted out into tears.
"Haechan tell her what you were really doing before you do this again" Renjun said looking at him with sorry eyes before he looked at Eunji his eyes telling explaining he wanted her to listen and not interrupt. Eunji nodded and turned her head towards the boy who hung his head low in silence.

"Breathe and think before you speak Hyuck" Eunji said looking at him with soft eyes before sitting next to him holding his hands. He took a deep breath in still looking down before breathing out and looking at what he called sister.

"I-I got d-distracted by a squirrel on the way home and I-I got... l-lost and" the boy sniffles and Eunji moves closer rubbing his back to comfort him. A wave of sorry washed over her for yelling at him but he could've contacted. "a-and then I was like in a whole new town and so I-I had to walk home and the closest was Lucas I was going to text you but my phone died and Lucas let me borrow his charger and a snack quickly because I hadn't had anything to eat since I was with Renjun.." he looks down loosening the grip he had on his sisters hands.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried I shouldn't of gotten distracted" He looks up with big pleading puppy eyes at Eunji and Renjun to forgive how much trouble and stress he put on them.
"It's okay Haechan" Renjun smiled,
"Yeah if that happens please tell the person to text one of us and tell us when you're leaving places" Eunji sweetly smiled at him.

"How about we join the others it's almost 11 and the twins gotta get up for school" Eunji pointed towards the door.
"Jisung and I have to go back to our places tor school tomorrow" Renjun added as they all stood up and he opened the door. Making their way down the stairs they heard giggling, and it wasn't the twins.

A/N: Man I'm sorry that was all over the place but 🤷‍♀️ you gotta include the family am I right?

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