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There was a few knocks at the door, Eunji ran down the stairs still trying to tie her shoelaces. She dropped her foot and twisted the door handle before coming face to face with a lot of boys.

"Oh come in, we're almost ready" the 6 usual boys walk in and sat on the couch playing with the twins. Eunji finished tying her laces before getting her brother. Once everyone was rounded up and they were about to leave there was another knock at the door. The group gave each other weird glances before one of the twins opened the door.

"SAN HYUNG" Daehyun laughed before a deeper chuckle from the door was heard, Eunji walked towards the door seeing a WAY taller figure standing in the door way towering over the small boy.

"San? why are you here?" She asked going over to pick Daehyun up,
"Oh I was checking to see if everyone left or not because I was on my way to well.. school"
"You should come with us San!!" Daehyun giggled in Eunji's arms, "HAECHAN CAN HE COME" Daehyun tapped her shoulder for him to be able to run to the eldest brother.

She let San inside before they both started walking towards the group, Hyuck stood looking down at Daehyun before looking up at San and Eunji. He smiled and looked back down at the youngest brother,
"Sure I don't see why not"

~~~~~~~~ skip because I'm L A Z Y~~~~~~~

After dropping the twins off, the 7 boys walked ahead of the pair. Both were walking in silence before he broke it. "So Eunji, how are you" she looked at him before looking down at her feet kicking rocks as they walked in sync.
"I'm doing well, how about you?" Eunji turned so she was now walking backwards to have another face to face interaction.

"I'm doing extremely well believe it or not" he slightly chuckled before looking down,
"and why's that" she questioned before lowering her head to the side trying to see the boys face.
"I woke up happy this morning, feeling like I can achieve anything" San looked up and met Eunji's who smiled before going back to walk next to him.

"Lucky, I just have the urge to turn around and go back to sleep" both of them giggled before San nudged her with his shoulder, Eunji started laughing nudging her hip with his which made him go off to the side. The two continued nudging each other to the side with their hips until someone behind them coughed.
"AHEM" the two turned around to see a brown haired boy with an average height crossing his arms over his chest tapping his foot waiting for the two to talk.

"uh Hyuck? What's the matter? Did you need to clear your throat? Are you sick?" Eunji asked slowly walking to him with worry in her face.
"Uh if you two would stop being flirty flirty for a second you'd notice where we are" San raised his eyebrow before turning his head around to see where they are.

"Uh school?" San shrugged at him
"Yes now move before I whack you with a broomstick" the boy said before giving a death glare to San and Eunji walking his way to the morning breakfast bench in their cafeteria.
"What was that about?" San looked confused at the rest of the group,
"You must be new" Mark said before running to follow Haechan before the food runs out,
"Hyuck purposely skips breakfast on Friday's purposely to just eat at the schools morning bay" Eunji answered chuckling a bit before Renjun spoke up.
"Only to see..."
"hYeJiN" the rest of the group yelled together in odd voices making San laugh, the door from the cafeteria hallway opened.

"I heard my name how many times do i have to say you can use my english name too huh?" a short girl brown eyes and light brown hair. She had a pair of old skool vans on, her school uniform and her headphones dangling from uniform sweater.
"Oh hey Haz" Eunji said waving towards the girl who's hair is all messy and bits are sticking up.

"Hey Eunji, you wouldn't of seen Minji, Areum, Ara, Gyuri and Goeun would you?"
"Sorry but the boys and I just got here if we do I'll tell them you're looking for them"
"Thank you so much" Hyejin hugged Eunji and ran back inside.
"You're too nice" Jaemin looked at the short female,
"At least I'm not a flirt"
"It's not my problem when I try to compliment people it comes out like a flirty line Eunji, you're just upset that it's not you~"


A/N: It's a miracle isn't it? yes ... yes it is I live :)

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