Detention [ YoonMin ]

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s u m m a r y  : Sneak Peak of Jimin and Yoongi's Love Story.


" oh my heart's, on fire for your love~." jimin sanged as he walked through the corridors with a happy face, making his way through his locker. He saw his locker-mate,, the frat boy Kim Taehyung making out with his E-Boy boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. He scrunched his face in disgust as he saw both boys eating each others face.

" Where's the money fucker?!" he heard a loud bang as he flinched,, he looked at where the sound came from,, seeing Min Yoongi. The School's most ruthless Senior.   " i-im sorry, my mom is sick and-"  he choked the boy by his collar  " no excuses, youll get beaten up later. " yoongi smirked, pushing the boy down.

Jimin only could look at him dead in the eyes as he went to yoongi's direction  " what is your problem? " he asked, helping the boy stand up 
" what? small little midget is being a gay ass for this poor boy? twink, get the fuck outta. my way." yoongi pushed Jimin also and walked away.

The pushed boy crushed the paper in his hands, throwing it directly on Yoongi's head, bouncing.
jimin dusted his clothes off. " he's a meanie hmp." ,, pissed. He went inside the classrom when the bell rangs,, this day is going to be a bad day.

  " and now you subtract the 3 to the 1- Mr.Park are you listening?" the teacher asked as he shookt away from his day dreaming,,  " uh- yea." he said while rubbing his nape.  " ofcourse he's not Ms. Karen, may i tell you that he didnt even learn anything on this class because he said that youre an ugly teacher? " he took a look at the person who said it. Min Yoongi.

" w-what? i never said that Ms. Karen, do not b-believe in him!  " jimin pointed at yoongi as the teacher got frustrated by both of them.
" Jimin, Yoongi, Detention. " she kicked the boys out of her room and continued the class.
" this is your fault! " yoongi said while glaring at him " my fault? i didnt even said i dont like Ms.Karen, youre the one who said it." hid his face in his sweater paws,, he felt like crying.

Soon, yoongi heard soft sobs and sniffles from the snall boy " h-hey why are you crying?" yoongi asked, but jimin hugged his body. Yoongi froze.
" mama and dada will be mad at me!  " he broke into a crying mess again,  " huh? its only a detention."

" b-because you always got detentioned, its my first being detentioned and-" jimin hid his face on yoongi's neck,, as he felt tears dripping.  " o-okay im sorry, what do you want me to do for you?" yoongi patted his back, sighing " Jimin turned to look at him, both of them staring at each other for a long time.

he hid his face in his arms, his head down.
" ugh." yoongi cant control it as he cupped his cheeks in his hands, squishing the soft cheeks of him and kissing him delicately,, jimin was by shocked by thus, his body frozen from the sudden movement, he melted and kissed back. The kiss started to get heated as he brought jimin on his lap infront of him, now the tounges are involved with their kissing. Jimin whimpered and yoongi held his neck to deepen the kiss.

they both broke apart, yoongi stealing pecks time to time as he find it hard tk catch his own breath. Jimin layed on Yoongi's chest.  " felt good now?" yoongi asked as jimin nodded.

" u-uhm jimin." he coughed to fix his voice, jimins head rose up and smiled at him  " m-may i ask you for a date? " jimin giggled at him as he felt embarrassed   " r-really? that fast? ." jimin faced him again,, letting yoongi hold his cheeks  " well maybe.. ." jimin smiled at him  " i made Min Yoongi gay? wow! " he kissed yoongi again, feeling giddy and happy. 
" t-then sure! ill go on a date with you "

--- e n d

well that escalated too quickly,,

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