Heaven Knows II

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" whats the point of life without you?"

jungkook asked as he stared up into the sky.

well life has many chapter, if you experinced a bad chapter, then its not the end of the book.

" its not the end tae, wait for me please. i'll be with you."

he went to the nearest building that he was standing to and ran into the rooftop, feeling cold breeze of air running down into his body. Only ome step, and he could be with taehyung again. They will be happy again just like the old times.

" its you, its you. its all for you."

he then jumped into the building, then feeling the hard impact of the ground. Last thing he saw was an old man screaming for help.

" wake up~" he opened his eyes to be met with a blinding white lights. Everything was so bright. Was he really in heaven now?

He looked to his side, seeing taehyungs smiling face as his breath hitched, he hugged him, he kissed everypart of his face, his shoulders and his body.

" no~ this is heaven, no sex allowed."

a person said, he looked up and saw Hoseok, their childhood bestfriend who, died because of leukemia.

" wow hyung, do you work out here in heaven? you seem buff." he said while chuckling as hoseok flexed his muscles.

" well, heaven is like the same as down there on earth, but if you need to do something sexual. We always have a room for that, ofcourse theres so many childrens here. Someone wouldnt want to get caught though."
hoseok said as taehyung nodded. " where am i? " jungkook asked " you're in my house goo. " taehyung smiled at him " i called hoseok hyung over. so that both of you will see eachother again. " taehyung said as he kissed his forehead.

" its nice seeing you jungkook, last time i saw you was when were 6 years old, you even eat boogers that time. " jungkook glared at him as he chuckled. " i'll be going now. bye. "

they both waved their hands to hoseok, seeing him going out of the white door.

" i love you. " jungkook said while hugging taehyungs petite waist tightly

" im sorry i did that, i love you too. so much."

" you're fine baby."

" lets marry eachother here yea?"

taehyung blushed and nodded.

they both cuddled up in the soft matress, drifting into a sleep with eachothers touch again.

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