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s u m m a r y  : ; Jungkook was waiting for his mate for a long period of time, not knowing that his Omega was getting beat up by the rogues.


" why isnt he home yet? " jungkook asked to himself as anxiety and worry kicked inside him, taehyung hasnt been home, he was supposed to come home this afternoon for their date, it was midnight.  Jungkook tried contacting the younger but no avail, he didnt answer.

" come on tae, where are you." he started shaking, his mind saying to stay and wait for taehyung but his heart is sayinh that he needs to find him. or. so, he followed what his heart said. He held his phone tightly in his arms, walking out of their shared house.

his sharp eyes in the road as he just walked, then he heard whimpers and cries. he looked to where the sound came from, the corner of the street. He saw rogues sorrounding a crying boy as he stepped in,  " h-holy shit." he saw taehyung with bloods dripping out of his nose, a busted lip and a burise in the eyes.

" What the fuck is your problem ma-" the rogue said but didnt finished it as jungkook tackled him down the ground, beating his face off and spitting on it. " whats your deal with my mate?" he asked with his alpha voice  " c-chill. he.....your mate is weak as fuck. " jungkook started to get red,, and tackled the rogue into the ground again, until he was passed out.

he went to check on taehyung, bringing him into his arms and kissing his bruised face.  " itsokay, alpha is here, alpha will protect you." taehyung started sobbing on his arms,,, " a - alpha thry touched omega's private parts and beat him up, he-he was so scared. i was so scared." taehyung looked at him, disgusted and humiliated.

" h-hey baby, its okay, i will be here with you, i wont let you go alone anymore." jungkook smiled at him, opening the front door of their house and setting his omega on the kitchen bars. " lets treat your wounds and bruises." he went to their room to get the medicine kit and got back downstairs.

he started dumping a cotton on taehyungs wound causing the younger to hiss and cry again. " shh shh, im here, i will be gentle." [🥴] taehyung nodded, holding jungkooks buff arms and closing his eyes, waiting for his alpha to dump the alcoholed cotton.

" you're done, kiss alpha." jungkook took his face and cupped it, seeing the bruises in his eyes and his busted lip. " youre fine. kiss me please." jungkook started making him happy, once again. taehyung nodded and kissed jungkook.

" is my omega okay now? "jungkook asked, kissing his cheeks also. " h-hmm, im fine now alpha. thankyou, i wuv you. " taehyung smiled in his chest, the sentence came out muffled but jungkook still understands.

" i love you too, im not letting you go out alone anymore okay? " jungkook brushed his hands on taehyungs hair. " o-okay alpha. "


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