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s u m m a r y  : ; Jungkook the Demon and Taehyung the Angel had been loving each other for the past 3 years, what if jungkook will now get throned. will taehyung leave him? or he will be the Queen Of The Demons.

" come back here you fucker!" jungkook yelled loudly at the two devil kids, who laughed while running away.

" k-kookie, please no swearing, momma told me swearinh is bad." taehyung said while pouting, hugging jungkooks buff waist and kissing his cheek, making the devil blush.

" angel, little angel. " taehyung playfully slapped jungkooks chest, preventing himself from blushing hardly beet red color spreaded onto his face.

Jungkook only showed nervousness, anxiety and a little sad.  " what happened kookie? why are you like that? " taehyung once again, pouted at the tought of hid boyfriend breathing hardly and deeply,,.

" i need to see father....today baby."

" oh,, i-is that for you being the King of Hell?"
taehyung looked down, unaware of his thinking. he wants to be with jungkook but he also didnt want to dissapoint his father in heaven. he's an angel afterall.

" no matter what happen, do not force yourself to be the queen, ill suffer for you. you are my baby, the much i love you, the much i will protect you. you are angelic, and dont forget that when i will have an arrange marriage, ill always go to you, ill spend the rest of my life with you. " jungkook kissed his crown, smiling softly. taehyung felt hot tears coming out of his eyes.

the thought of jungkook with another boy or girl, really broke his heart into pieces, its like he cant even be with him like they promised to.

" i-i love you too kookie." jungkook pulled him into a tight hug, muttering sentences like  ' its going to be ok.'  or  ' i will still love you, my angel baby.' to comfort him.

" dont you want that? you will be married with a person like you, an angel, probably a boyfriend better than me." jungkook side wayed looked at the still crying boy.

" i only learned the w-word love with you, k-kookie." taehyung sobbed, into his hands. thinking negatively.

" come here, let kookie pet his little angel. " taehyung sat on his lap, straddling him. he cupped jungkooks soft pale face, smiling and linking their foreheads with eachother. this might be the last time, so hes going to risk it all.

" i love you so much kookie....

i will give up my angel position to rule this, this hell with you, we will see cute little demons running around, we will marry each other and have many babies!" taehyung got distracted by his own thought, jungkook smiling-thinking
' taehyung wants babies with me?.' so on and so forth.

" are you sure, angel? ",, taehyung odded, happily bouncing on jungkooks lap, unaware of a certain hard thing underneath him.  " ouii,  whats this." taehyung gropped on jungkooks cock causing jungkook to groan.

" b-baby, thats kookie's peepee." taehyung widened his eyes, giggling at the end,,  " its big and hard, your peepee is like half the size of mines, you know kookie, mother and father said that ejaculating is good for your health, the last time i ejacualte was last last day, did you ever ejaculate?"

jungkook was shookt as hell. his mind saying
' angels ejaculate? '

" my peepee is like 4 or 5 inches and your is longer, can i see your kookie? i primise to let you see mine. " taehyung smiled innocently, unaware that its a sexual thing.

" i will let you see mine if youre finally a demon."

" what? thats unfair, here ill let you see mine. " taehyung pulled jungkook in the bathroom, taking his shirt off infront of hungkook who only blushed at the angel's actions.

" you're wearing panti-shit. " jungkook felt his cock aching in pain, out of neglect.

" here, look its my peepee hahahahah. " taehyung giggled, letting jungkook see his milky thights, his perky butt, and his 6 inches peen, red and smol.

" your peepee is cute, put your pants back on baby." jungkook said, controlling himself so the younger wont be scared of him. " do you want to see me ejaculate infront of you, kookie?" taehyung looked at him, with puppy eyes.

" what? is it wrong to ejaculate with someone you love? sorry kookie. " taehyung teared up, scared that jungkook will find him disgusting,, putting his panties back on.

" h-hey baby, its okay you can take those off. kookie will ejaculate you."

" YAY!" jungkook chuckled at the angels action, he sure was innocent and didnt know more things about it.

he started touching the small pink penis, feeling it twitch.  " a-ah~ feels g-good. " taehyung moaned, biting his fingers. Jungkooks hands started moving faster and Taehyungs moans only grew louder and louder.

" h-hmm~ nGHh~ ACk~ NgaH~ f-fAster." taehyung started thrusting his hips up, fastening his therusting, same as jungkook.

"  'm gonna pee~ NgaHh~." taehyung squirted white sticky liquied into jungkooks hands, who licked the substance off, mumbking a small
' sweet. '

taehyung smiled, kissing jungkooks lips.

" thankyou for ejaculating me kookie, i will ejaculate you soon." jungkook choked again, taehyung really thought that this was normal and asking innocently, not knowing the benefits.

" o-okay baby, you must be tired. lets sleep, i love you." jungkook kissed his pink lips and his cheeks,." i love you too."

im lazy to do the happy ending but just to let you know that taehyung left the heavens to be with jungkook, now he is still innocent. little jack offs and suckings from him and jungkook was the only sexual thing both of them made, jungkook will wait till taehyung is ready.

( photo not mine, cr to the owner. )

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