Guns, Bloods and Body

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Guns. Bloods and Body.

s u m m a r y  : ; jungkook and taehyungs life full of crimes, killings and child fixations.

T W  //  M U R D E R S  :
- Blood Mentioned
- Mafia Gguk
- Little Tae
- Killing
- Torture

might be reported after this but who tf cares.  if u have problem olz kindly dm me.

" kook-" taehyung didnt finished his sentence as Jungkook gestured him ti 'shush.' since he was talking to someone in the phone.  " b-boss please dont kill me, ill work harder." a sound of a pleading man was heared from the other line of the phone.

" 3:00 afternoon, basement." jungkook said darkly, smirking. he ended the call and took a look of his baby whom is standing while pouting.

" yes ( misis ko? *insert rakim budoy. char.) baby?" he asked as he make his way to the snall boy  " are we going kill today dada? "taehyung slipped in little space, jungkook can only laugh.

" yes my little murderer baby, were going to kill jungie and his little family, and we will raise their babies. " taehyung eyes widened in excitement.
" d-dada you promised me that we will kidnap bogumie and let him eat his fathers flesh." taehyung looked at him through hooded eyes.

" yes, but theres many more people to kill, want both of us to kill your parents? " jungkook smirked, taehyung nodded rapidly  " they were not nice to taetae, always judging him and always hurting his feelings, they deserve to die dada." taehyung hugged his boyfriends broad chest . " i will rip their heads off and then we will play make ups with it, do you think its cute?" jungkook chuckled.

" you're much more cuter, baby boo with a murder fixation. " jungkook carressed his cheeks as they both started to close the gaps between their faces, kissing passionately.

a knock on the door was soon heard again as he goraned and open it, revealing a tall black suited man standing nervously. " s-sir jeon, jungie is in the basement with his wife and two son's. base on him, his first son is 2 years old why his second is 1 year old. what is the plan sir?" the worker asked politely as jungkook took his guns, his chainsaw and his knife, gave the chainsaw to taehyung who only looked at the harmful material in adoreness.

" i want you to kidnap bogum park and taehyungs parents, well deal with jungie and his family." jungkook smiled again, kissing taehyungs cheeks as his workers nodded.

the couples made their way to the basement, seeing jungie and his wife tied up, while their sons were out of clue of whats happening. taehyung giggled and smiled, running to the two young boys and playing with them  " they are cute babies, they will be our babies!"

" n-no taehyung thats my child." jungie said making taehyung tear up and wailed around the basement, jungkook looked at the ex-worker dead in the eyes, jungie's wife was screaming also, but he couldnt careless.

" jungie, this is why you didnt attend into our meetings? . because your wife is pregnant,,, again? such a not so lazy father you are jungie... hyung."

" well, since your wife is pregnant, why dont we kill the baby first?" jungkook tried teasing the knife with his wife's tummy, seeing both of them cried in desperation.

" p-please just kill me, not my wife and my sons. "
jungie cried, begging as pearl tears rolled down his eyes

" wheres the fun in that daddy? i wanna kill the baby!" taehyung giggled, looking at the oregnant woman, and down to her tummy.  " ofcourse, your wish is always granted. kiss daddy first. " taehyung ranned to jungkooks arms, kissing him.

jungkook nodded at him, telling taehyung that it was already time to kill the screaming woman.
taehyung started to roam his hands through the knives and the chainsaw.

" noona, do you know the fire fire ice ice!?" taehyung said like they were in a little game. the girl shooked his head, tears still coming out and still screaming.  " uh-oh, let me teach you."

taehyung lit a knife up, touching it ever so lightly if it was hot, as to his senses, it is. " daddy dont look, you will see her panties." taehyung smiled as jungkook nodded and backed away, closing his eyes.  taehyung took her dress off, seeing the evident baby bump. both of the couples kept screaming but it was no use, theyre in the middle of a forest.

" fire fire ice ice! " taehyung stabbed forefully, screaming and laughing like a maniac as he kept stabbing and stabbing, seeing the woman lost her life,, he asked jungkook to help him bring the refrigerator to the basement, and so he did.

" now ice ice." he took the womans body parts and snuggled it inside the refrigerator, asking one of jungkooks workes to throw it on the lake.

" now were done with your wife, what do you want us to do with you?"

" both of you are cruel! both of you are going to hell for what you did!"

taehyung pouted.  " are you threatening us?"

" ugh fine, let me get the chainsaw, im pissed with your face boogy man, ill cut your head off. " taehyung laughed and ran into where the chainsaws are at. " do you want the small,. medium or large daddy? "

" ill take the large baby, you will look cute and sexy if you will take a bigger chainsaw. " jungkook kissed his cheeks once again, patting his ass and letting taehyung kill the man.

after a minute, squirts of blood and a happy taehyung was only there in the basement. jungkook and taehyung played with the clueless childrens and giggled.

" we'll be your mama and papa from now on okay?" taehyung asked, jungkook looked at him adoringly.  " we will teach you how to cut someones heads off, and even kill someone." jungkook smiled at the thought of this.

they went to their room, letting the tired children sleep in the bed.  jungkook kissed taehyungs shoulders whom is playing the puzzle app.

" Arghh!! i hate this app! " taehyung said,, " chill baby, you will calm down once i told you that your parents are waiting in the basement."

taehyung never calmed down, he ran into the basement seeing bugum, his mom and dad.

jungkook patted his bubblebutt ince again, whispering a   ' go get' em
tiger. '

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