Chapter Eighteen

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"You think I wanted to get pregnant at fucking 17, Carson!? Fuck you!" Daisy's voice practically echoed across the parking lot. Her face was flushed from yelling so much. Carson was arguing with the same intensity. He only had a few more minutes left of half-time break before he was due back on to the field. He wanted to catch up with Noelle before he had to leave. But, this debacle with Daisy derailed his chances of getting with Noelle. 

She was fucking pregnant. He wanted to pull his hair out from the fucking root. "You think I believe you for one second that it's mine? Go tell your real baby-daddy and stop ruining my life." Carson yelled in her face practically. Trails of black mascara streaked her face and really highlighted her ocean eyes. 

"You fucking idiot! You think I've been fucking other guys?"

"I know you have!"

"...Fuck you, if you took your head out of your ass for one second, you'd know that I was in love with you. I never fucked any other guy, ever! I waited for you." She lowered her voice and peered up to him with her crystal blue eyes. She reached out to touch his cheek. He backed away from her hand. "I always waited for you. And I always will." She continued, "I waited for you to get every other girl out of your system and realize I was the only one that was ever there for you when you called. I was the girl that came running every time you were lonely. I never treated or even thought of any boy the way I think about you. Carson, I love you." He could see that she meant every word even though he was sure she was lying about the pregnancy. It was true they had a strong history together but it was never more than fucking when he was bored. So this heart-felt confession was coming out of left-fucking-field.

"So you trapped me?" Carson concluded. Daisy's blue-marble eyes widened at the accusation.

"Are you kidding me? I would never do that to you. You think that low of me?" Daisy was super offended but, that's to be expected. She did bombard him and then dropped this 'pregnant' bomb on him during one of the most important games of his high school career. And not to mention, he had just confessed his undying love to a girl she didn't know existed. Daisy wanted to fucking gag at the thought of Carson being with someone that was so under his league. It was almost unbearable to watch the love float in their eyes as they looked at each other. Daisy fucking hated Carson's new girlfriend--that was a fact. She didn't deserve to be with him. 

According to Daisy, Noelle would never measure up. She wouldn't be able to handle the responsibilities of loving Carson. She wouldn't stay through thick and thin. She'll have a mental breakdown in 2 months and leave him. 

However, Daisy may not have had Carson's heart. But, she was having his baby--and that was a fact. And everybody knows the baby-mama never really leaves, does she?

"...Okay, look, how about we talk about this after the game? I gotta leave." He didn't touch her but he gave her a nod and jogged back to the stadium to finish up the game. He dapped up his team mates and drank some water as he put his helmet back on. He received some heckling from some of his team mates for the 'sappy' confession during half-time. He laughed it off and headed back to the field. The crowd started to come alive again and he felt his adrenaline spike. However, he looked over to the spot Noelle was supposed to be in and although her family was still there, she wasn't. His good-luck charm left him.


Noelle laid in her bed and gazed at her popcorn ceiling as if they were stars in a night sky. However, she would also look at her phone to internet-stalk Daisy on instagram. She was a really beautiful girl and apparently she was super smart too. At least according to the 1590 score she got on her SAT last spring, she posted the results with the caption: "Ivy-league bound, bitch!" Noelle scrolled and saw party and kick-back pictures. It was mostly pictures of her hanging around girls that looked just like her in party settings. She also came across an older picture of Daisy and Carson during sophomore year Homecoming. 

Carson was slightly shorter and his suit didn't really fit him. He had spots of acne on his face too but it was kinda cute to Noelle. He had his middle fingers up so it was obvious their parents didn't take this picture. Daisy on the other hand, had a mouth full of metal and naturally straight blonde hair. In some stereotypical teen movie, they would be the ones to end up together. She was rail thin and wearing a emerald dress and her dainty pale hand rested on Carson's shoulder as she smiled for the photo. She also had a matching middle finger too. They looked like they were made for each other. 

And now Daisy was pregnant. Noelle couldn't help but think Daisy and Carson were probably always meant to be together. Oh God, she wanted to cry herself to sleep. Her eyes were still puffy from crying already. This whole situation was fucked up. Scratch that--this situation was beyond fucked up in every way. 

She wasn't mad at Daisy in the slightest. If anything, she felt bad for her. This girl probably had her whole life ahead of her and now she's wrapped up in Carson's web. Carson is the king of collateral damage. Daisy seemed like an incredibly brilliant girl but now she has to take care of a baby she probably didn't really want--if she chooses to do that. Shit happens. Things aren't meant to be sometimes. And maybe Carson and Noelle weren't meant to be. Maybe this was a sign. Because if the baby is Carson's, Noelle would have hell to face--that was guaranteed. 

Noelle kicked her feet in frustration on her bed. Why couldn't she have fell in love with a normal boy with normal circumstances?  

Even though, she was going to say 'yes' to Carson's heartfelt confession. She kind of knew her new answer. Things were difficult. Noelle wasn't ready to guide a recovering alcoholic and battle with his new baby-mama for his attention. Noelle was only a teen--at the end of the day. And these were adult problems she had no fucking idea how to handle. But, she didn't want to leave him because things got too hard. She was truly trapped.

Noelle's phone started to vibrate in her hand. She rolled her eyes, the game had probably ended and Carson was probably calling her. She looked down and saw a number she didn't recognized and the area code was different. On any other day, she would have ignored the call but something compelled her to answer it. 

Noelle answered and placed her glass phone to her ear.

"Hello?" Noelle responded. And Noelle heard a voice she never thought she would ever hear again. The voice was sultry and warm like she remembered. She could practically envision her but she realized she couldn't remember her face anymore.

"...Hey baby..." Her voice was dipped in honey but frantic at the same time.

"...Hey momma..." Noelle's voice cracked a little as she tried not to cry for the millionth time this hour. "How-how did you?.. mom, how are you? I've been trying to figure out a way to visit you. Where are you now? Are you still in Tenn--"

"Noelle, baby, I need a favor. I'm in town right now and I need your help, can you handle that, sweetie?"

Noelle sniffled and wiped her tears on her sleeve and nodded her head frantically. "Yes." She replied.

"Is your father home?"


"Okay, I need you to collect whatever fine china you can find, silver wear and whatever jewelry you can find. Alright, Elle?" Noelle was shocked to hear what her mom asked her to do. She hasn't heard from her mom directly in years--with the exception of the postcards she sent once a month.

"You want to me to what?"

"Girl, you heard what I said! I'll be over in 15 minutes." And then the line went dead in Noelle's ear. Noelle knew exactly what this was for, she wasn't stupid. But, in 15 minutes she would see her mom for the first time in years however, these circumstances weren't ideal. Her father always told her that her mother had her reasons for leaving. But, she never knew what the reasons were. Now she had an idea and she hated the idea of what her mother might have become.

Alright guys! I hope you liked this new installment. I wasn't sure how to re-incorporate Noelle's mother story line so I got a little stuck on that for a while. Anyways...tell me what you think.

What do you think about Daisy?

About Carson?

About Noelle?

About Noelle's Mom?

You guys know what to do: like and comment :) please

~~With Love, Armani 

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