Chapter 5

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Another Friday, another cup of bad coffee. The terrible florescent lights buzzed above your cubicle. Your back ached from the crappy office chairs Alorica provided. The din of your coworkers' voices annoyed you. On top of that, you were hungry even though you'd eaten lunch only three hours earlier.

Luckily, incoming calls had slowed to a trickle. You were barely coherent, anyway. And distracted by your silent cellphone.

Which was tucked in the pocket of your khakis.

You weren't supposed to have it turned on or on your person because of company policy. But policy could kiss your ass today. You had bigger fish to fry, so to speak, than to record any customer calls.

After you scrubbed the last error on a page from your team's assigned database, you relaxed back in your chair. You didn't know when Clyde began his shift. You two hadn't really had much opportunity to talk. The only thing you'd done before leaving Duck Tape on the previous Sunday was exchange phone numbers.

It was almost four, though. You almost groaned. You still had an hour to go.

Clyde must be working the late shift since it was Friday. If you weren't so exhausted, going to Duck Tape to visit with him would sound great. Maybe he'd call you honey again—like he had last night. And you could make out with him on his break. You could meet him by his car and get in the backseat and put your hands all over him.

You wondered what he wanted to start with you. Last night, he'd said he hadn't even started. Did he just want to have sex with you? You'd thought about it during your drive home. You weren't against having a fling. You were an adult. You could handle a fuck-buddy situation. Couldn't you?

You gnawed on your lip. Being in a sexual relationship without the commitment didn't sound so appealing. Be that as it may, you suspected you wouldn't be able to turn him down if that's what he proposed.

Because his soft words and smoldering eyes haunted you. The way he touched you left you yearning for more. You imagined the taste of juice on his full lips and how his goatee had gently abraded your skin. When you'd gotten home last night, you pushed a hand into your underwear as you had traced your kiss-swollen lips. You wanted to wrap your legs around his waist as he pounded you into the nearest available surface.

And when you came, his name had been on your mind.

Your phone buzzed against your thigh, and you jolted from your seat. You changed your call-system status to away and rushed to the ladies bathroom. Once in a stall, you yanked out the phone to read the message. It was from Clyde.

Going to work now. Shes not coming by tonight

You wanted to ask whether he meant Agent Grayson wasn't going to his place or to Duck Tape. He had to be cryptic, you knew, just in case his phone was examined for tampering. It had to seem like you two were sneaking behind Grayson's back.

You began to reply, but the typing bubble for him popped up.

Ill talk to you soon

You deleted the only word you'd typed out and began again. Ok call me when you get some time.

You didn't hear anything until almost nine. You'd tried to be vigilant all evening, but it was impossible. Every rumble from a coal truck over the highway shook you awake. You'd check your phone, but there was always nothing. You developed a crick in your neck from sleeping sitting up on the couch.

Now your phone buzzed for real. It didn't compute for a second. There was a notice for a text message on your lockscreen from a number you didn't know. You opened up the message to see it was Mellie Logan.

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