NSFW Alphabet

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Note: This is what I used to explore Clyde's sexual, and otherwise, backstory for this story. It's not explicit, honestly. But I thought I'd share on the off-chance anyone's interested.


A = Aftercare (What they're like after sex)

He's an absolute snuggle-bunny. He wants to bury his nose in your hair and kiss your neck and hold you. If you need anything, he wants to provide it. He wants to give you whatever you want before you even have to ask, actually.

B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)

He likes legs (and asses and breasts/pecs) and pretty faces with mischievous eyes. Now, what he finds attractive may not always be the culturally-accepted/magazine-cover pretty. He can't say what will attract him, but he knows it when he sees it. Like when he saw you for the first time. There's something about you. You're captivating and stunning.

As far as his own body, he likes his hair now that it's grown out to cover his ears. Mellie tells him that her customers would give their eyeteeth for his hair. He thinks that's a good thing.

He likes his lips, too. He likes loves kissing.

Other than missing a hand, he's strong, and he likes that and cultivates that by keeping fit. After breakfast, you can find him most "mornings" doing a modified body-weight workout. If the weather is nice on a day off, he'll take a hike near Horse Creek.

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I'm a disgusting person)

He wants to come in you or wherever you'll let him. He doesn't mind condoms because he understands basic safety for everyone. They don't feel bad if he's got the right size. He'd like to raw you, though. And finger-fuck his come back inside you and hear the nasty, thick squelch of it in your juicy hole. However, he won't pressure a female-bodied parter to get on the pill or get an IUD.

D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)

He'd gotten curious about his prostate before he lost his hand. He liked to press on his perineum or finger himself. The first time he found his prostate and worked it along with his cock, he came so hard, he found spunk in his hair. Since getting a hand that can hold things, he's been debating about ordering a prostate massager from an adult website.

E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they're doing?)

He hadn't been popular in high school—not like Jimmy—and didn't have a serious girlfriend to fool around with. After nine grueling weeks in basic training at Fort Benning in Georgia (where he'd also later go through Ranger School), he'd gone bar-hopping in Columbus, GA with some unit buddies and got lucky.

Or rather, she had bought him a drink and pulled him away from his friends.

She took good care of him and showed him how to touch a woman. He stayed with her for almost a week, sleeping in while she was at work and starting dinner before she came home. He'd learned plenty. When he reported back to base for AIT on the following Monday, his buddies called him a stud and bragged about what a babe he'd bagged. They were good fellas, though, and didn't get gross about it. They were super proud (even if they didn't know about his previous virginal status).

There was no sex to be had in Iraq for him. There was a cache of printed-out and compiled volumes of dirty pictures from the internet, old Hustlers, and romance novels available. There were even some lad magazines on sale at the exchange. He liked the novels best.

While on leave, he mostly slept, ate cheeseburgers (because you wouldn't believe how unsatisfying they were from the mess), and caught up on American television.

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