Chapter 8

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You stared at the ceiling of your car, sunglasses lost somewhere on the floor. Some asshole had just rear-ended you and knocked your car into the middle of the intersection. Your seat had broken during the impact. The airbag hadn't deployed, either. Cheap fucking car. Well, maybe not so cheap. You were fine. Though, you heard the rev of an engine and yelling from behind you.

You could literally feel adrenaline surge through your body as you braced for a second impact. The thought of Agent Grayson out on bail flashed through your mind. She could be out for your blood. You wouldn't put it past her. Look at what she'd done to Clyde.

Instead of being rammed again, Kayla and her girlfriend poked their heads through the open driver-side window. They reminded you of prairie dogs.

"Hey, stay still," the girlfriend gently said.

You struggled for her name. It was something with an M. Mary, Michaela, Michelle. Whatever. You felt bad about not remembering her name, but you figured you deserved a pass this time.

You stuttered, "Wh-who h-hit me?"

"Don't know. Just stay still."

There was a racket of arguing voices from outside. Kayla and her girlfriend straightened and frowned at the apparent commotion happening on the street. You realized then your car had stalled out. You put your wobbly foot on the brake and shifted into Park. It wasn't like you were going anywhere.

Kayla and Girlfriend disappeared from view for a moment. Then you saw Kayla round the front of the car and open the passenger door. She gave you a warm, compassionate grin and crouched at eye-level. Somehow, it made you feel better.

You took a deep, if shaky, breath. "Where did you two come from?"

"Rite Aid," Kayla said and pointed across the street. "You want me to call anyone?"

"My mom." You almost said Clyde, too, but you knew he'd be getting ready for work. You didn't want to stress him out when he couldn't do anything for you. You'd call him once you got home to make your excuses.

Kayla opened your purse and found the phone. She called your mother and told her what had happened. You could hear the rising tension in your mother's voice through the speaker. For some reason, you wanted to apologize, though you knew she wouldn't be able to hear you.

Kayla ended the call just as Girlfriend leaned into the car again. Girlfriend told you the police and EMTs were on the way. You tried protesting that you didn't need to go to the hospital, but neither of them would hear of it.

As if on cue, you heard approaching sirens. You relaxed in the driver's seat and mentioned your thawing groceries and missing sunglasses. Kayla went to the backseat and unloaded the bags onto the street. They assured you they'd take care of it all.

"I was makin' Clyde dinner tonight." Your throat closed then. He was going to be waiting for you. He'd been so happy last night. And here you were, standing him up—disappointing him. Which you knew wasn't your fault. But it didn't make you feel any better about the situation.

There was a sudden flurry of action and noise to distract you from your morose thoughts about jilting Clyde. The EMTs wrapped a brace around your neck and checked your vitals. As you were being moved onto a backboard, your mother showed up. After all the strangers manhandling you, it was good to see her face.

You assured her you were okay as the EMTs loaded you onto a gurney, but she held your hand until they hoisted you into the ambulance. She told you she'd be right behind. Kayla passed your purse to her and said something to her you didn't catch.

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