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Hawks barged into the small crummy apartment, noticing Dabi on the couch with a beer in hand. Dabi narrowed his eyes at him, seeing the hero act so feral. Keigo's golden eyes narrowed onto Dabi's forms before slamming the door closed. Dabi put his drink down, confused by the hero's behavior. Keigo's breathing was hard. He threw his goggles across the couch before rubbing his eyes.

"She's been arrested, Dabi. I can't believe Endeavor got her arrested," he shouted. Dabi rolled his eyes and sat back down unamused at the bird's rambling. So what if you got arrested? You did what you needed to do by writing that article and he graciously promoted it, keeping you alive. Keigo sensed Dabi's laid-back attitude and got closer to him clenching his jaw.

"You're the whole fucking reason why this is happening and you don't care? Are you kidding me?" Keigo shouted. Dai looked at him, expressionless. His turquoise orbs looked away onto the wall. He wasn't as close to you as Keigo was. He did enjoy your presence the night he came over. Dabi eyes returned to Keigo's amber ones, narrowing with irritation and passion.

"What can I do huh? You clearly have more power than me in this situation. You're a fucking hero, pull some strings and get her out. Easy as pie," Dabi scoffed. Keigo went closer and grabbed part of Dabi's white v-neck shirt. The material crumbled in his grasp. Dabi sneered, annoyed Keigo was acting like this.

"You don't think I tried that? They refuse to listen to me. That is an innocent girl in there they're going to deem a villain. Are you really okay with that?" Keigo shouted back. Dabi wasn't okay with it. Honestly, he thought the article would just bring some shame to his family, make the public distrust his abusive father. He didn't expect his father to do this though. He really hasn't changed. Heroes were still the worst in Dabi's eyes. Dabi swiftly pushed Keigo off of him. Dabi's body started to heat up.

"Maybe it's a testimony to how fucked up hero society is, Keigo and you still insist on being a part of it! I wonder how many innocent people like her are deemed "villains" so they're swept under the rug," Dabi shouted back. Keigo faltered, eyes drifting in shame. Dabi scoffed once more and dug his hands in his black skinny jean's pockets.

"...You're right. Shit needs to change, but I need to save her. Help me dammit. Please..." Keigo begged. Dabi side-eyed his friend on the floor. Although they were enemies and spies with one another, the two of them got close. Keigo expressed how he was turned into a child soldier to Dabi while Dabi explained his reasoning for becoming a villain. They had mutual respect and disdain for each other. Keigo wants Dabi to repent and reform from his villainous endeavors as Dabi wants Keigo to quit the hero scene and truly become a villain to end the corrupted hero society.

"...You're on your own, Hawks," Dabi muttered. Keigo sighed and retrieved his goggles. With one last glare to the flame hero, Keigo departed leaving Dabi alone. Dabi grabbed his beer and shotgunned it. The bitter liquid filled his senses. He grabbed the can tightly as it caved in due to the pressure. Dabi was annoyed, annoyed at his idiot hero friend, annoyed at you, and annoyed at his corrupt father.

Dabi lifted his scarred hand up forming an azure flame. His eyes soften thinking about you. As much as he wouldn't admit it, he doesn't want anything to happen to you.

"Shit...I'm really doing this aren't I..."

Red lights blarred making your ears ring. You rose from your crouched position of your cell to see the barred door opened. You walked out peering your head to see if there is anyone there. Only red lights remained, there were no cops or pro-heroes around. People were still in their cell's quietly. Some glared at the lights, others gasped at you. Why was only your cell open?

"What are you just doing sitting there? Run you idiot!" an inmate yelled. You nodded your head and started to run down a hallway. Your breathing picked up in fear of anyone seeing you. You could hear different inmates cursing or cheering your escape on. You had no idea how to get out though. Chances of truly escaping were slim, what would you do if you got out anyway?

Arms suddenly encased your waist as feathers tickled and poked at your chest. You gasped, turning your head to see Keigo. You could feel tears streaming down your face. He did decide to save you. You were right to trust him. He gave you a tight hug before grasping your hand and running forward.

"We need to hurry. We don't have much time to get to the airport!" Keigo yelled out. Airport? What did he mean? You stayed quiet. You could feel your bare feet receive blisters and cuts from the harsh ground. Soon enough, cops began to show up.

"After them!" one of them shouted. Keigo scooped you up into his arms, like the first time he met you and flew up. Several of his feathers went down to attack some of the cops, distracting them from stopping your movement. The rush of the wind made you feel dazed as you looked down at the cops and prisoners. A large group of cops went over and blocked the exit. Keigo smirked and flew up towards the skylight. You widened your eyes.

"K-Keigo wait!" you shouted. He shifted his body, face extremely close to yours smiling before he broke through the skylight. Glass scattered everywhere, but avoided your form due to Keigo's body movements. Keigo hissed as you noticed some glass shard longed into parts of his clothing, blood beginning to seep out from it. You glared at the hero.

"What was that!? God you're an idiot," you frantically ramble. Keigo groaned and let out a soft smile.

"I just helped you escape prison, and this is the thanks I get—" Keigo shifted his flying to avoid a fireball. On the streets laid Endeavor large form, glaring at the two of you, fire laid in his hand. He got a loudspeaker out and put it by his face.

"Hawks, stand down and bring the villain here," Endeavor shouted. Keigo cursed seeing more heroes beginning to show up. Suddenly, a barricade formed a wall where the heroes were made up of azure fire. You looked down to see Dabi santering by. He looked up and briefly waved towards the two of you, a smirk on his scarred skin.

"Hope I get to see you again, doll," he winked, before focusing his efforts on the villains. You stared in disbelief as Keigo flew further and further away from him. Dabi was risking his own life to save you and Keigo.

He cared.

You felt yourself tearing up again. After all that shit, and he does this. Dabi sure knows how to give you mixed signals. You brushed away the tears coming from your eyes. It turns out Dabi was different from his father—Dabi still had a heart, a black one.

Keigo swooped down and landed on the asfalt. A helicopter was in front of you. Winds picked up due to the machine, making the both of you struggle against the force of the wind. Keigo grasped your hand once more and got you onto the helicopter. It was empty besides the pilot flying in the front. Keigo stared at the pilot, and she nodded signalling she's ready. Keigo looked back over to you.

"There's a bag there. It has your passport and everything. You're going to be staying back in the United States. Japan's too dangerous right now," Keigo admitted. Your eyes wander to the bag before you grasped Keigo's shoulder, eyebrows furrowed and face contoured into confusion.

"What do you mean? Keigo, I just can't leave like this. What about you? You'll be imprisoned for breaking me out," you yelled. He smiled and gently caressed your plush cheek.

"Don't worry about me kid..." he whispered. The helicopter began to lift as you watched Keigo back away. You yourself backed again in fear of falling. The hero started to fly up and a grin on his face.

"Come on, don't cry? I don't want my last memory of you crying Miss Journalist," he teased. You scoffed as tears stained the machine. A fire was lit in your eyes as you flashed him one last confident smile. Your eyes drifted for a second seeing a familiar ravenette before going back to Keigo's flying form.

"I promise to see you again!" you shouted. Keigo smiled falter as he descended. With one last wave, Keigo went to Dabi's form. The two men started to become distant as heroes began to surround them. This isn't how you want to leave things. You tightly clenched your jaw. You don't care whether it'll be tomorrow, two years or a decade.

You promised you would see them again

On the Record (Hawks x Reader x Dabi)Where stories live. Discover now