Ending 2: Promise of Reunion

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Keigo lazily sighed in the bustling airport. People of all different backgrounds and ethnicities passed him trying to get to their destination. Keigo blinked his tired eyes and tubbed them to try and get the sleep out of his corners. He had just arrived in New York for a hero conference. He had come to the United States before, but he was always surprised at the bustling Americans. Keigo's golden eyes scanned over the several signs trying to find baggage claim. Although he could speak English fairly well, he wasn't good at reading it.

He looked around to see if he could find anyone on his flight but alas, they had all left and managed without him. Keigo suppressed a groan. He really didn't feel like asking someone for directions. He was a hero after all, and felt it would damage his confidence as a result. Keigo idly walked opening to find something familiar.

His eyes looked over gate by gate to see if he was any closer to baggage claim. He stopped in the middle of the walkway and turned around, causing someone to curse. Keigo looked over and cursed under his breath. He wasn't expecting to knock someone over with his wings.

"Sorry I didn't see you there," Keigo laughed trying to play his mistake off. You looked up in anger, before softening your gaze. Keigo's own orbs widened in surprise, a happy smile on his face.

"(Y/N)? Oh my god it's been forever!" Keigo greeted, hugging you. You laughed and returned the hug. He still smelt the same, that expensive cologne. The two of you let go of each other as Keigo scanned your form. You were in a business suit, and had some carry-on luggage. Based on how you were going, it appeared you were headed to a gate rather than leaving it. Disappointment swept through the winged-hero's body.

"Yeah! What's it been a year? How are you," she said. Keigo shrugged, his face morphing into contentment. The job for him had been the same. The League was still at it again, and he was still the Number 2 Hero. He was hoping after this conference to finally finish his mission to infiltrate the League.

"Same old, same old, kid," he responded. You playful rolled your eyes. He clearly didn't want to dive into anything more. You looked over to see an old ticket in Keigo's hand.

"Lost?" you asked. Keigo hesitantly nodded, making you laugh. You grabbed his wrist and started guiding him.

"I'll show you where baggage is, bird-brain," you responded. Keigo playful scoffed. He missed your banter and overall teasing you. You looked happy though. He was thankful for that. Last time he did see you, things were tough. The two of them continued down the busy New York airport. You bite your lip.

"So, what happened after I left," you asked. Keigo shrugged once more.
"I managed to escape any charges for breaking you out. They claimed I was brainwashed by you," he replied. You let off a scoff before muttering something under your breath.

"I don't even have a brainwashing quirk..." you murmur. Keigo stopped walking and stood in front of you. His feathers seemed like they were bristling with excitement.

"What about you though. How's it here in the State," he asked. You smiled and shrug, mimicking Keigo's behavior causing him to playfully pout.

"I got a good job. I'm a Public Relations advisor for this non-profit that aims to help villains reform in society," you responded. Keigo whistled in response. You seemed to be inspired by your experiences to pursue that job. He's sure Dabi would get a kick out of it if Keigo told him. Still, he wished Japan had more organizations like that.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you," he replied. You put your lips in a line. Something about his tone put you off.

"Are you?" you replied. He sighed and gazed at your figure. His fingers brushed over a piece of your hair. It felt good against his bare tanned hands

"I just...wish you were in Japan is all," he muttered. You sighed. You wish you were in Japan as well. Your company would do extremely well internationally, but it would be too risky to go back to that country. You can easily get arrested again. You flashed Keigo a sad smile. You missed life back with him in his penthouse. Although it was stressful, his company made things worth it, as irritating as he was. You could still remember him teasing and pestering you as a workaholic.

"I know Keigo. Maybe one day," you replied. He sighed, patting your head and retracting it. His vermillion wings drooped down reflecting his disappointed mood. He knew you would say that, but he wanted to be optimistic. Maybe when he was done with his mission, he could come back and try to find you in America.

It would be extremely difficult since the Commission watches his every move in Japan. He already got a lot of flack from them for helping you escape. He was on a tighter leech now, but he wouldn't tell you that.

"Yeah..." he trailed off. There was a beep on your watch and you looked down to groan. You shifted your bag's strap fastened on you.

"I'm sorry Keigo, I really need to go. My plane started boarding. Just go down those escalators and you should find—" You stopped talking feeling Keigo's soft lips on top of your forehead. You felt embarrassed feeling people watching the two of you together.

"K-Keigo—" He flashed a big grin. His eyes held such a longing. You wrap your arms around him once more, feeling his soft feathers.

"I promise...one day we can see each other again," you whispered. "We can be together and go back to old times." Keigo hummed leaning into your hair, smelling the various products you use. He didn't want to let you go. He wanted you to explore New York with him. He wanted to go back to Japan and fly you into his arms, but it would have to wait.

He could be patient.

With one last glance and last touch of the hands, you departed away running to catch your plane. Keigo sighed once more but put a sorrowful smile on his lips watching your form get smaller and smaller.

"One day, Miss Journalist. I promise..."

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