horcruxes and strain

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(A/N):We are starting with the trio hunting horcruxes right after Ron left

Hermione's pov:
Since the beginning of the horcrux hunt ron had been getting slowly more and more irritable me and harry both noticed.

It started even before we got the locket. It put me more on edge than before along with the fact that muggle and muggleborn families are being targeted and killed i made sure my parents and brother who is a muggle as well put out of harms way in Australia, and with not recollection of me or more importantly harry since I talked alot about him.

Harry of course is on edge as well but if he is stressing as much as me but he is hiding it well. I've been more stressed since Ron left since I've had a small crush on him from the beginning of the hunt.

Harry's pov:
Hermione has been stressed alot lately. And its showing. She has bags under her eyes and she's screaming in her dreams or should I say nightmares she's eating less she usually is found reading or checking the daily prophet hoping there is nothing regarding her family.

Tonight were sitting on one of the couches hermione is reading the daily prophet and im making us food.

Hermione's pov:

I was reading the daily prophet when I come across an article about a muggle family that was murdered when I see the picture and surname in the article I let out an chocked gasp with tears in my eyes harry immediately notices and asks "mione whats wrong? let me see" I'm too shocked to say anything so I slowly hand the article over shakily and cry into my knees

Harry's pov:
I immediately start reading over the article that hermione handed me and see a picture of hermiones parents and brother. They are in a still muggle photo but they look happy i then read over that they were murdered by a few deatheaters.

I automatically look over to mione to see her crying hysterical I turn off the stove and run to her to comfort her she falls into my chest and cries her heart out. I tell her "mione I'm not gonna tell you it'll get better cause it doesn't i still miss my parents but I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure they didnt die in vane"

Hermione's pov:
I look up to harry and see the guilt in his beautiful emerald green eyes wait did I just say beautiful now that I realize it his eyes his hair his facial features everything looks perfect i see the look in his eyes which show pain that no seventeen year old should have but that proves how much he had to grow up in this time.

I just realized I'm falling for harry james potter.

Before even realizing what I did next I take one glance and Harry's lips and kiss him before i realise what I did his lips feel soft and secure just like home

I realise what i did and pull back i stutter "harry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" before I can finish he gives me a passionate kiss back that last a minute until we both need air.

Harry's pov:
Hermione kissed me and it felt good i had a hunch that I liked hermione since our first year but kissing her it guaranteed that I like her or maybe even love her after I kissed her I said "mione no need to worry" I brushed my hand through my hair and said "if I'm being honest I've liked you since first year and kissing you felt extraordinary" Hermione smiled that whole hearted smile that I love to see then I asked the million dollar question "mione will you be my girlfriend?"

Hermione's pov:
When I heard harry ask me my heart felt like it would beat out of my chest i jumped up gave him a passionate kiss and said "harry I'd love to be your girlfriend"

Everything that went on in the world was muted out since the moment harry comforted me I realized that I fell in love with harry. But then reality set in and we came back from our little moment i asked harry "what are we going to do know?"

Harry's pov:
After hermione said that I told her
"Lets take a night for ourselves" I started kissing her she wrapped around my waist and carried her over to my bed and one thing led to another we completely forgot about food and ron, or ,our dead families and just cared for each other

Hermione's pov: i woke up early the next morning at roughly 6 am and started making food for me and harry last night has been the best night in a long time and I'm grateful to have harry by my side.

I didnt have nightmares that night but that might be from the fact I was sleeping next to harry and when I'm with him I feel safe and at home. Harry slept well too for once we actually got a full night's rest

Harry's pov:
I woke up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and berries which was odd since I was mostly the only one to cook.

When I looked in the kitchen I saw hermione looking well rested and flipping a pancake I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and said "mione I didn't know you could cook" she jumped the giggled and said
"Oh yea I forgot my parents taught me how to cook as a kid I'm sorry i should have cooked more than let you cook all the time" I said "mione don't worry about it you forgot I would too with all the stress"

Hermione's pov:
When harry said that reality set in i remembered my family and how they were murdered in cold blood. The tears threatened to fall and I was in no mood to put on a façade. Harry saw this and came to comfort me he said "I'm sorry mione I shouldn't  have said that especially right now how about I help you cook we can just talk about what our friends could be doing" I started smiling and nodded we talked about everything except the touchy topics when we finished cooking we started eating while I read the daily prophet.

Harry's pov:
I was pondering how we could destroy the horcruxes and a thought hit me. "Mione maybe we should look for the sword what if we find it before it finds us" hermione the said "harry thats a great idea" so we left the campsite we came across a lake and inside i spotted a glimpse of something silver i peered in and saw a sword i called mione over saying "mione come over here i think i found something" she peered down with me and said "isn't that the sword of gryffindor" "i think it is" i started taking of my shirt to jump in right before I jumped in hermione said "wait maybe you should leave the locket here what if it does something to you" I thought about it and thought it'd be smart when I jumped in the water was ice cold but I kept swimming to the sword once I got the sword I swam up to the top no worries when I looked though mione had the necklace and it looked like it could just about eat a person from all the movement I told mione "baby we have to destroy it before something happens" she nodded while blushing at the nickname setting down the locket i told her "im gonna have to use parseltounge to open it whatever it does or says you have to destroy it with the sword before it starts"

Hermione's pov:
my mind was racing we finally can destroy that damn horcrux mind my language but I was scared of what could come out i nodded and took the sword harry started making hissing noises and before I knew the locket opened to reveal harry dead and voldemort standing behind him. Voldemort said "Harry potter is dead and all because of you. You only got in the way of what he could have been" harry then said "mione its not true I'd be dead if you weren't with me" that gave me the courage I needed i stepped up to the locket and sliced it straight in the middle one clean cut the shadows disappeared and harry ran to me and hugged me tight saying "baby none of that is true youve done so much good for me the locket only tells lies-" I shut him up by kissing him then saying "you talk to much" he kissed back we walked hand in hand with the destroyed locket.

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