home life

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Harrys pov:
Once we all arrived to grimmauld place mione sat teddy down and told him as he listened intently "now teddy I know this all new but me and harry are going to take care of you, we are going to love you like your birth parents would have if they were here" teddy asked kindly "what happened to my mommy and daddy?" Mione looked at me with a look that said 'you should tell him' I knealed down next to teddy as mione side hugged me i then told teddy "your mommy and daddy are right here" I pointed to his heart then continued "they aren't here because they wanted to make sure lots of people were safe they left loving you and caring for a lot of people" I didnt want to tell him of their death just yet especially since he's only one mione then continued "teddy only if you want to you can call me and harry mommy and daddy we don't want you to do anything you don't want to do" teddy smiled and the smile immediately reminded me of how remus smiled which warmed my heart it seemed mione noticed his smile too she looked at me and gave me a sad smile right after teddy wrapped his arms tightly around mione and said "i love you mommy" he then saw me and said "daddy get over here join the hug" to say i was shocked would be an understatement  me and hermione meet each others gaze and smiled he then said "I love you both your taking care of me and loving me" it broke my heart knowing that kids never tell lies. Mione broke the silence by saying "how about we all go out to eat we can go to a muggle restraunt" i then said "that sounds like a great idea maybe italian" "that sounds great how about i get teddy dressed up while you pack his bag" i nodded and we went to do our tasks

Hermione's pov:
The second I heard teddy call me mommy it felt so surreal my heart felt so happy i knew I loved kids for a while now bit this one stole my heart almost as much as harry did I went upstairs carrying teddy while he was jumping in my arms I giggled and said "are you excited teddy?" He nodded and I continued upstairs to the bedroom we had prepared for teddy it had light blue walls with a nice sized wooden crib on the back wall with a quidditch mobile hanging over there was a fairly good sized wardrobe and a changing table on the other side and a rocking chair in the corner with a mini library with many toddler books both muggle and wizarding harry and i thought itd be a great idea for him to get a taste of both the muggle world and the wizarding world since both of us did and it would help us blend in better if we ever went to the muggle world. I changed teddy's diaper put him in a dark blue jumper and dark blue trousers along with some black and white trainers and a hat since it was getting cold i left with teddy where I put him on the bed and changed into a blue jumper to match teddy and light blue skinny jeans and some black boots along with a scarf and hat i walked out with teddy picking up my bag and meet harry downstairs he asked "you guys all ready" I nodded took his hand kissed him on the lips which made teddy scream "ewww" we giggled and gave him forehead kiss we giggled his hair turning a bright blue. Harry and i looked at each other forgetting he was a metamorphmagus harry said "what do we do about that?" I said "we can cast a glamour charm on his hair to keep it brown i dont think it'll change with it on" he nodded i then pulled put my wand and nonverbally cast the spell to test it out i started tickling teddy which if it worked right would keep his hair the same color luckily it did so we were safe we walked out and decided to just walk since the restaurant wasn't that far away when we were walking people seemed to notice us with a small child and gave us weird looks i was getting insecure harry must have seen since he pulled an arm around me and said "let them judge they don't know the real story" i smiled and relaxed a little i then said "what will happen when we have our own kid running around 2 kids this young won't look good to the public" "i don't care those people will judge but they can't do anything we just keep on walking" we let teddy run around to get his energy out as we kept walking when we got to the restaurant harry said "could we get a table for 3 please and a children's menu" the waiter guided us over to a booth we sat down i ordered a ceaser salad and fettuccine alfredo harry ordered the same and we got teddy macaroni and cheese and some vegetables we all at chatting when I said "we should visit the weaslys tomorrow im sure they'd love to see teddy and we can catch up"  harry nodded when we finished we were too full for dessert so we payed the bill and left walking back home teddy found a park so let him play for a few minutes when we got home harry and i both gave teddy a bath changed his diaper and got him into a onesie for the night i read him to sleep while harry went to go get ready for bed as well. When teddy fell asleep I put him in his crib kissed him goodnight and turned on the nightlight before I closed the door i heard teddy say "goodnight mommy" I then said "goodnight teddy sweet dreams" I walked into mine and Harry's room he asked "did he go down fine" I nodded and said "i think im getting attached hes such a kind and loving kid im so glad he's calling us mommy and daddy" "i do too I think he likes you alot I think you'll be an amazing mom to our kids" i blushed and said "you think so?" He lifted my head up to reach his and said "i know so" I smiled and gave him a peck on the lips I then said "im going to get ready for bed im exhausted" he said "okay love ill wait for you" i gave him a kiss and left to get ready for bed when I finished I got into bed with harry my head on his chest i said "I like  how our lives are going so far" "me too mione me too" and in an instant we drifted off to sleep the happiest we've been in months.

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