New futures

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Hermione's pov:
Me and lily and walking inside with the boys closely behind. Lily whispers to me saying "you know he really does love you" "I know and he knows I love him we've been there for each other since we started Hogwarts" she smiled saying "you two are perfect for each other" I blush and say "thank you lily" "no problem sweetie" "that boys have been awfully quiet it's suspicious" "knowing James he's probably about to pull a prank on us" "Harry never pulled pranks but you never know he's with his dad-" before I could continue I'm swept up into a pair of strong arms I look to see the familiar emerald green eyes looking at me I lean in and he does too until we're captured in a passionate kiss. He breaks apart the kiss and asks "what we're you talking to my mum about?" "How much I love you" I gave him a kiss on the cheek and try to wiggle out of his grip but he's holding onto me sometimes I hate that's he's so athletic so instead I screech "HARRY JAMES POTTER YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" James and lily are watching from the side with grins on their faces I look back to see Harry with a grin as well I'm confused so I say "why the hell are you all smiling?!?!?!" "Nothing love don't worry" "if you don't tell me your sleeping alone tonight" he gasps and says "we'll if that's how your going to play" I see a second chance to escape so I get out of his grip summon my broom jump on and start flying off Harry is seconds on my tail I start speeding up but barely watching where I'm going Harry screams "mione watch out!!" Next think I see is a tree and before I know it everything is black

Harry's pov:

I see mione falling off her broom plummeting to the ground so instinctively I fly down in a mission to save her I catch her seconds before she hits the ground but she already has eyes shut and passed out I check her pulse on her wrists it's still there but faint
Mom and dad come running over lily picks her up and checks for injury while dad is calming me then mom says "we need to get her to st.mungos Harry go get adalyn James get teddy then floo there I'm going to apparats her there" we nod I got get adalyn who looks happy to me see me then she sees my expression and the smile fades dang she really is as smart as her mom even as a newborn I floo with dad to st mungos and ask for the room of Hermione Potter. Yes potter we decided to just use my last name since we're already planned to get married it just makes things simpler. I rush to the room to see mom holding onto mione as she cries I'm glad to see her awake. I stay in the doorway and knock on the door frame saying "is it a bad time?" Mione shakes her head and reaches her hands out for adalyn saying "there's my beautiful girl" she smiled at adalyn but adalyn looks sad "what happened?" "She saw me all worried and stressed and picked up on it" "she really is a mummy's girl" "how are you feeling?" Better I still feel sore but it's all good" I kiss her on the cheek and say "I'm glad your okay" "me too if your mom didn't get me here fast enough I could've been in worse condition oh and how is teddy?" At that moment dad walks in with teddy saying "he's worried for you I told him you got hurt" teddy looks scared and worried mione see that and reaches out for him dad hands him to mione and teddy snuggles into her as she comforts him as she does that I can't help but think 'I'm going to marry this amazing women' she looks at me and says "babe you know I can hear you?" "Yea I know" I say with a cheeky grin. At that moment the healer comes in saying "mrs.potter your free to go home now" "thank you sir" I help mione up while mom takes adalyn and teddy is token by dad we apparate back to grimmauld place

-time skip-
Hermiones pov:
Harry,mum, and dad yes I'm decided to call them mom and dad they are basically have been taking care of me like their own and I'm marrying Harry anyways so I thought it was fitting especially since their the grandparents to teddy and adalyn. they insisted that I rest until dinner and I knew I couldn't make objections with how stubborn Harry is I get now he got his stubbornness from his mother. While I'm relaxing I can't help but think about my parents and brother they were loving and supportive and held my best intentions at heart it broke me to hear they were killed. My brother was only two years younger than me but he was a Muggle which meant I only saw him as much as my parents knowing that I never got to spend more time with them saddens me still. I'm grateful that James and lily care for me as much as their own daughter my heart still aches for the family that I was raised with.
Knowing I might burst out crying I cast a silencing charm on the room so know one has to worry I start crying for my family the fact that they are gone still troubles me what hurts even more is to know Harry is happy his parents are back of course I am too but knowing that nothing like this can bring my parents and brother back we barely even knew how james and lily came back. I start sobbing wrapping my arms around my legs and laying on my side on the large king size bed. I'm interrupted by a knock on the door it sounds gentle and the voice sounds calming I'm confidents that it's mom she says "Hermione may I come in?" I wandlessly take off the silencing charm and open the door with the flick of my hand staying in my original position. Of course being a mother you notice when your child is distressed she slowly sits down next to me letting me rest my head on her lap she stroke my hair and says "dinner is ready, but would you like to to talk first?" I slowly nod she closes the door with her hand and casts a silencing charm for privacy "Hermione dear I know this is a lot of pressure in any normal case anyone else would've snapped by know but with you it's a different story. The things you and Harry endured were traumatizing and knowing both of you you guys tried to block out the trauma am I right?" I slowly nod "the fact that you see so many people die and the fact that your joining a family of people who basically cheated death on multiple occasions doesn't help make it any better and knowing that your family can't pull the same trick is hard" I stayed silent until she said

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