T W E N T Y - N I N E

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*today you were able to go back to school. you decided to get ready*

 you decided to get ready*

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*your fit*

*you went to school*
everyone: hi y/n
*you ignored them and kept walking. you went to the girls that borthered you and the group seen you so they ran behind you and you grabbed the girl and just started beating her up and the other two came at you so talia and renae jumped in. kairi pulled you guys back and you all walked away*
kairi: y/n your first day back and your already fighting
y: yes
vallyk: WOOOOO SHES BACK *he ran and hugged you and you hugged him back*
y: yes i am
alvaro: we should get to our classes
y: yea i'll see y'all later
*you went to first period*
teacher: polibio welcome back
y: thanks
*you walked straight to the back and dragged the other kid out of her seat and stared fighting her. the teacher ran back and pulled you guys apart and you got sent to the office and so did the rest of the group*
ale: what did you do
y: them mfs looked at me weird
ale: i- so you fight them?
y: yes
mattia: she took hot girl fall to a whole new level i'm done
y: muahaha
principal: well, 1. welcome back y/n 2. what's going on? your already fighting and you all are down here for what
y: fighting
talia: fighting
renae: skipping class to watch anime
kairi: fighting with freshman
mattia: i slapped a teacher
ale: i threw a spider at someone
alvaro: threw a book at someone
roshaun: i threw it back on the teachers desk and my lovely cake hit her and she fell and broke her back
princaple: dear god.. okay well y'all are pretty trouble making.. here's my plan you guys just need to calm down a little and stuff and i'll lie and say i gave y'all slips but i'm just giving you a warning bc y/n just came back and you were dealing with issues.
everyone: okay
princable: head to class
*yall went to your classes and then met up at lunch.*
mattia: y/n why are you so quiet
y: i'm just tired
ale: sleep we have 2 hours
y: i am
*you got comfortable and fell asleep*
-1 hr later-
mattia: bitch get under the table and sleep we're going on lockdown for some reason
y: okay
*you went under the table and as you were abt to sleep the power went out and they made everyone go to closets.*
y: what the fuck
ale: bitch i'm sleeping to now
y: right it's dark in here
*you and ale fell asleep*
*you woke up*
ale: what the fu-
mattia: no way
talia: dude
renae: wh-
y: not again🥺
ale: do not cry istg i will throw you out there
y: too late
ale: b-
??: *music stared playing.*
???: ah great for those kids to get murdered too
y: *whispers* wooo i'm boys *you stared to get up and ale pulled you back😠*
ale *whispers* no your not leaving this damn closet
y: *whispers* bitch
ale: *whispers* shut up i'll fight you
y: *whispers* try me hoe
*yall stood up and mattia carried you guys to the other side of the room and wouldn't let you guys go. the rest of the group followed*
ale: bruh
y: shhhh  your not whispering
ale: make me
y: istg i will sm-
mattia: shut up thanks
*there were gunshots and loud screams. they shot the other side of the room up*
mattia: omg
y: *whispsers* do what i do
*you covered yourself in blood and faked dead so did everyone else and when the people came in they didn't expect anything. they got arrested and you guys stood up and went home*

😻authors note: hey guys! so um ik the chapters are boring at the end but don't worry more drama soon.😻

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