Wang Yibo is a wealthy heir
Zhan is a Design and Technology expert
They had a one night encounter.
Zhan didn't want his boss to know who he is
(This story is purely my imagination. It has nothing to do with any persons bearing the actual na...
I almost gave up this story but because of the encouragement, I continue my story till the end.
I just want all Readers to know, the power that you have as a Readers
You are the one that encourages the writer to go on when they felt that their energy is seeping away or when they are tire and stress due to their lifestyles.
I encourage all my reader to vote and encourage other writers as well when you are reading their stories because YOU ALL DO MAKE A DIFFERENT to the writers.
Thank you all again for all your support, comments and votes. I am eternally thankful.
I am now planning for my other story but I just thought I open up to my reader
I have this story in my mind
Zhan mission is to protect Yibo.
(I know, I know, many are also writing about this story, but each of us have our own style and different story lines)
I am asking for your opinions
One of my reader ask me to write a story about two pen pals who later meet and got married.
I am also asking for your opinions
Thank you again and again.
I think I can never end
All the best.
Stay safe and healthy
I will shout out when my new story is up.
Just finished this story
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