Chapter Eleven

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"So you've been living with your ex-boyfriend for almost a month but you didn't even tell us?! Are we even friends, Off Jumpol?!"

Off quickly dodged Tay's flying fist which was obviously aimed at his head.

"What really happened? Like, how come you're in this situation?" Arm, probably the only one who was calm in this situation, interrupted.

They were currently at New's pastry shop. It was a Sunday and Off thought it was a perfect day to gather his friends since nobody had work on Sundays.

"Even I was confused, too. Mom just came knocking on my condo's door telling me a son of her friend will be staying with me in my unit. And, viola, came Gun Atthaphan."

"A son of her friend?" New asked as he placed a new plate of brownies on the table.

"Yeah. I guess that was why she said Gun's family name sounded familiar when she first met Gun."

"So what's your plan now?" Tay who was now staring closely at Off.

"I seriously wanna win him back. Especially now that I discovered that Jayler is his boyfriend, that bastard."

"And how are you gonna do that, huh? You said that Gun is in love with him," Arm asked with a smirk on his face.

"I'll do whatever it takes. I'm gonna claim what's mine."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

7 years ago. Valentine's Day.

Off looked at the bunch of flowers, chocolates, and other gifts on his table. Well, he was already expecting this scenario. Last year, his car was almost full of flowers, stuffed toys and any other possible gifts you could think of. He was supposed to be delighted with these, but his attention was at Gun who was currently talking to a girl from another faculty.

"P'Gun," the girl said as she handed what seemed to be a love letter to Gun, "I like you!"

Off didn't understand why he was so bothered with the whole situation. He wanted to intervene but at the same time he didn't wanna appear vicious.

"Uhhmm. I'm sorry, but I already have someone I like," Gun kindly turned down the girl. The girl went outside the room with her head down.

Off felt happy that Gun turned the girl down, but at the same time he was worried. Who the fck does Gun like?


10 p.m.

"Hello? Gun, where are you?" Off asked over the phone.

"I'm about to leave from work. Why?"

"Wait for me. I'm on my way to fetch you. I'll be there in a minute," Off didn't even bother hearing Gun's reply and just ended the call.

He then saw Gun sitting on the sidewalk. He seemed to be drawing shapes on his knees. Off stared at him for a moment before calling him.


"Are we going somewhere?" Gun asked as he entered the car.

"Hmmm, yeah."

"Aren't you supposed to be on a date tonight. You know, Valentine's day."

"That's exactly what I'm doing..." Off whispered.

"Huh? Come again?"

"I mean, I'm tired of dating around. I wanna rest my heart for some time. And besides, I haven't dated anyone for months, if you've noticed."


Off drove for about 30 minutes before stopping in front of a building.

"Where is this place?" Gun looked at Off quite perplexed.

"This is one of the places I go when I want to be alone," Off replied as he reached out for something at the back of the car. "Let's go."

"You're already alone in your unit, why would you look for another place to be alone," Off heard Gun murmur as they went inside.

Off whispered something to the guard and the latter gave him a key.

"Come on, shorty!"

"Shorty my ass!"

All through out the ride inside the elevator, Off could see the confusion in Gun's face. He bit his cheeks to prevent himself from chuckling. Gun looked too cute while scanning the walls of the elevator.

"Come on." Off held Gun's wrist as they climbed the stairs that would lead them to the rooftop. Using the key, the guard had lent him, Off opened the door.

"Woaah. It's beautiful up here, P'!" Gun exclaimed as he looked over the city lights.

They were currently on top of one of the tallest buildings in Bangkok. The building was owned by his uncle that was why he can easily enter the premise.

"Do you like it?"

"Yes, P'," Gun smiled at Off. "They look like stars."

Off found Gun's fascination for the stars quite amusing.

"Come on, sit here," Off tapped the space on the bench beside him. He then started arranging the food that he brought on the small table.

"Where'd you get these from?"

"Would you believe if I tell you I cooked these?"

"You don't know how to cook, P'Off," Gun teased.

"Okay fine. I just bought these. Happy?"

Gun only suppressed a laugh.

"Sooo, I heard you like someone," Off finally was able to ask that one question he'd been wanting to ask since morning.

"Ha-ha. I only said that so I won't sound rude to the girl," Off could sense that Gun was lying based on the tone of his voice.

"You know what, I like someone, too," Off looked at Gun's face to see how he would react, but he couldn't decipher the look on his face.

"Really? Who's she? Do I know her?"

"Yes, you do. You know that person very well."

"Then have you told her you like her?"

"No, not yet. But I'm planning to."

"What's keeping you then?"

"I'm afraid we don't share the same feelings."

"You're a great man, P'. She'll surely like you, too."

"You think so?"

"Of course. Fighting, P'! You have my support," Gun smiled at Off.

If you only knew, Gun. If you only knew. 

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