Chapter Twenty-eight

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He looked at the notice informing him of the two-month shoot they had to take in Taiwan.

As much as he wanted to go, he also didn't want to be separated from Off for such a long time especially that they just got back together.

He read the letter again. They were gonna leave in two weeks.

"You okay?" Jaylerr asked while leaning on his cubicle.

"Do I really have to go to this? I mean, my presence won't really be that much during the shoot."

"You know P'Parbdee, Gun. He would always consult you with regard the script and for possible changes. Why? Are you worried about Off?"

He remained silent and he knew that Jaylerr already got what he meant.

"Gun, he was able to wait for you for five years. Two months won't be a big deal."

"I, I don't know how to break the news to him."

"Just tell him straight to the point, okay? Don't beat around the bush."


"How's work, love?" Off asked the moment he entered the car.

"Just fine. Just made some revisions to the script I'm planning to pitch in. How about you?"

"Hmm. I went to meet some possible investors with Arm and some of them look promising."

"That's good, then," he looked at his fingers and fidgeted. "Off, I-"

"Hmmm. Are you okay??"

Off cupped his cheeks. He might have noticed his sullen face.

"I-I'll be away for 2 months...for the shoot. Our director wants me there and I can't say no to him. He was literally the one who helped me make it in the film industry."

"Are you worried about me?"

He just nodded. Tears were starting to well up in his eyes.

"I don't wanna go. We just...we just got back together and now I have to leave again," he sniffed.

Off chuckled and wiped the tears on his face.

"Are you laughing at me now??"

Off chuckled even more and cupped his face, squeezing it slightly.

"You look so cute. Don't worry, okay? I can always wait for you no matter how long it takes, okay? And besides, I can always visit you there. Two months won't be that long. Just don't get too close to Jaylerr, okay? Or else I'm gonna break his neck."

It was his turn to laugh.

"Thank you."

"Anything for you, love," Off replied before placing a kiss on his nose.


Gun looked at his phone and wondered why Off hadn't contacted him for the entire day.

They would be leaving for Taiwan the day after tomorrow so they were busy preparing everything.

For the past weeks, Off would always send and fetch him to and from work.

They would also eat out for dinner and Off never failed to give him flowers every single time, saying that he could have given him an entire flower field for the past five years.

Everything was going well especially Off's production house. He was able to gain investors and they already have some projects in the works.

He wanted to call him but he didn't want to disturb him at work, so instead he just sent a short message.

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