Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: Contains mature content.


Off stared at the sleeping figure on his bed. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of Gun being worried about him. Gun stirred for a moment. Off thought he was gonna wake up, but he just changed position. Off then thought of an idea. He slowly crept back into the bed and lied down on his area earlier. Lying on his side, he stared at Gun who was now facing him. He couldn't help but reminisce those mornings when Gun would wake him up by giving him butterfly kisses or by strangling him with a tight hug. He reached out to touch Gun's face, but his hand was left hanging in the air when he saw Gun opened his eyes.

"G-Good morning, Gun," Off whispered softly but it was enough for Gun to hear.

Gun didn't respond but just stared at him. Off's hand which was left hanging then landed on Gun's waist. He knew he was crossing the line, but he just wanted to touch Gun and feel his presence.

"G-good morning...P'Off," Gun whispered back.

Off was completely taken aback. It was the first time since they met again that he heard Gun called him P'. A smile crept on Off's face as he continued staring at Gun who was also staring at him. He didn't know if he was imagining things, but he could see longing in Gun's eyes. He knew, he just knew. Gun had always been transparent that no matter how hard he tried to hide his feelings, Off could still read him after all these years. And the longer they stared at each other's eyes, the more Off could confirm that it was longing he saw.

Off swallowed the lump in his throat as his eyes transferred from Gun's eyes to his lips. With all the sanity left in him, he decided to cross the borders once and for all and just closed the distance between him and Gun, kissing the latter fully on the lips. He felt Gun froze, but he couldn't care less. All that he knew was that he wanted to savor that very moment, not giving a dmn on the possible consequences. He felt Gun slightly pushing him on the chest, but that didn't stop him from kissing him. He was losing control over his own actions that he was letting his emotions overpower him. He later transferred his kisses on Gun's neck, slightly biting it, bruising it a little.

"Off...P'Off," Gun resisted but Off just continued. He continued kissing him and started touching his stomach then his back, slightly raising the shirt Gun was wearing. He didn't know if it was the aftereffects of the alcohol, but he felt intoxicated, not even wanting to stop whatever he was doing. Off went back to kissing Gun on the lips, but eventually froze. He was literally doing this out of consent and hurting Gun was something he didn't wanna do. He was basically harassing him.

"G-Gun, I'm so-," Off was about to let Gun go but he felt Gun crashing his lips on him. He froze but was eventually pulled back to reality when Gun started kissing him. He was going insane to say the least.

He thrusted his tongue inside Gun's mouth who was now writhing underneath him. They fought each other's desires as they explored their mouths, with their bodies closely pressed together. He then removed Gun's shirt and proceeded to kissing Gun's chest, making a little stopover at the latter's taut nipples. He twirled his tongue on Gun's right nipple and he caressed the other one with his thumb. He felt Gun's labored breathing, an indication that he was into that sensual moment. He then trailed his kisses down to Gun's stomach, gently sucking his skin while leaving red marks all over his body. He then went back up and kissed Gun's lips for the nth time, gently biting Gun's plump lower lip.

Off could feel Gun's manhood hardening and so was his. Off then left Gun's mouth and trailed Gun's jaws with kisses down to his neck. He went back to the mark he made earlier, and sipped on it even more, making it even more evident. His hands started making their way to Gun's hips then to his stomach, his left hand caressing it while his other hand made its way inside Gun's shorts.

He felt Gun heaved a sigh as Off touched his already hardened member.

"P'...P'... ungh!" He heard Gun moaned as he started moving his hand on the latter's clothed member. He then proceeded to kissing Gun's neck while his hand moved slowly.

"P'Off. Uhmmm. Fas-faster," He then silenced Gun by kissing him back on the lips. He can already feel his precum seeping through his boxer briefs. Off then knelt and slid off Gun's shorts and boxer briefs and spread Gun's legs, giving him a better view of the latter's member. The latter arched his back as Off touched his bare member. He then started to jerk Gun faster making Gun moan underneath him, writhing with his eyes closed.

"P'Oooofff. Shiitt. Ungh!" Off saw Gun biting his lips as he moved his hand faster, making sure that Gun would enjoy every moment of it. He slightly gripped on Gun's member making the latter groaned.

"P'... Oh shit. Aahhh. Unghh!" Gun's back arched as he continued. Seconds later, Gun finally made his release. His cum lathering Off's chest and stomach.

Off let Gun's member go and hovered above Gun. He noticed that Gun was avoiding his gaze.

"You're still as loud as ever in bed," He teased Gun.

"Sh-shut up!" Gun's face whom he was covering with his hands was now beet red.

With him between Gun's widely spread legs, Off started grinding his member on Gun's, making the latter breathed laboriously. He hadn't made his release yet and he wanted to do it inside Gun. With Gun still covering his face, Off lifted Gun's legs higher and positioned his still clothed member on Gun's rear hole, slowly thrusting his member without the actual penetration.

"Gun, I ---" Off statement was cut off when Gun's phone rang. Gun reached out to his phone with him still grinding his member on Gun. Off saw Gun froze the moment he saw who was calling.

"Who is it?" Off asked and stopped grinding.

Gun didn't answer but just answered the call while avoiding Off's eyes.

"He-hello, Jay."


Kyaaaahh! This is my first time writing something like this so please forgive me if this doesn't meet your expectations. I still get goosebumps every time I imagine OffGun doing something like this. (⸝⸝•́દ•̀⸝⸝)

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