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since that night adrien has been constantly pestering marinette
with the weirdest of texts and it really makes her internally face palm but genuinely smile at the raw stupidity

"ding" marinette's phone chimed in the middle of history 'speaking of....' she thought to herself and read the messege

"did you know that only 20% of women could have vaginal orgasm? wanna see if you're one of god's favorites? 😏"

marinette let out a small chuckled on how adrien knew this kind of studd and put her phone down to listen to the lecture

let me remind you that adrien sits behind marinette during history and was playfully offened when he saw that she just chuckled

"ding" marinette's phone chimed again, she chuckled once more to see what the idiot sent this time

"I think that couffaine would be a doctor one day" the messege said

marinette was quite taken aback at the thought of luka being a doctor but replied anyways knowing that she would regret it

"oh?" "and why is that?" she asked ever so curiously

"doctors are kinky pedophiles that at the moment you are born they slap your ass just to hear you cry" "and to my conclusion, that is why I think luka couffaine would be an amazing doctor amd not to mention he knows his way with drugs"

marinette was holding in her laughter as she read what adrien had to say about luka while felix was beside her wondering what the fuck happened to her but shrugged it off anyways

while behind her was an agreste smirking victoriously

"FUCK YOU AGRESTE" she messeged "but that was good tho"

"spell me" he requested, which was quite stupid since she could see it on her screen how to spell the word "me" but she did it anyways


"you forgot the d" 'ok it's confirmed adrien agrest couldn't even spell the word 'me'' marinette thought to herself "there's no 'd' in 'me' stupid"

"not yet 😏"

marinette stared at the message with wide eyes then turned around to look at adrien smiling sweetly while she gave a wicked glare so she just ignored it and that was the first time marinette actually got frazzleded by a sexual remark from adrien

basically adrien has been acting very dorky idiot around marinette and now calls felix "baby girl" just because of the night felix got drunk and both adrien and marinette are never going to let him live it down

the school day had ended and marinette and tikki were taking a stroll through the campus talking about the upcoming junior dance

the past few months have gone peaceful no sight of couffaine, no more crazy wayhem fawning over adrien twenty-four seven, alya and nino are not all over each other as often, adrien and marinette have built up a pretty great friendship and as mentioned the junior dance is coming up, not to mention that they would have senior prom the following year what could be better?

shouldn't have asked that

"ADRIKINSSSSSS!!!" a voice screeched from across the hall

'haven't heard that in a while' marinette thought to herself

"adrikins, I called you~" chloe said as she clung onto adrien and traced a finger on his chest

"I know" he said nonchalantly as he was pushing her away "i watched it ring" he added as he got her off and tried to walk towards marinette's direction

"but we are still going to the dance together, I already bought you your outfit so we match" she said as she clung onto him once more

"for the millionth time chloe I'm NOT with you to the fucking dance" he stated clearly as he pushed her away like before "I'm going with marinette" he stated even clearer by slinging an arm around her neck

marinette and tikki looked at each other with wide eyes but the wide eyed stare they both had was different, tikki looked like she was going to burst in excitement while marinette had a look of utter shock

"well~ i think i hear alya calling me, bye mari~" tikki chuckled slyly, marinette gave her the death glare but it only made tikki giggle


"deal with it chloe" adrien stated "I'm going with marinette" he said as he leaned closer to her ear "please bare with me right now, just get me out of this" he pleaded playfully

"oh? adrien agreste is begging?" she teased and kissed his cheek to hide the lie

at first it shocked adrien but he played along with this lie

chloe was filled with rage but she wasn't done yet she wanted revenge and she wanted it but what she did now was odd, she simply showed anger and walked away

at first it shocked adrien and marinette but they were thankful that she didn't make it even more scandalous than it was

"you can take your arm of of me now" marinette stated "oh, right" adrien said as he awkwardly took his arm of marinette and thats when they heard another voice calling her name

"MARINETTE!" the voice called "that thing with luka, how?!"

"wayhem? you were there? where?" marinette asked the panting boy

"adrien do you mind?" wayhem asked and adrien just knodded in response as he walked away

"I was the bartender, it was actually quite funny how you didn't notice since i was just behind you" wayhem chuckled

"then why didn't you approach me then?" she asked

"luka talked to you before I could" wayhem claimed "and?" marinette questioned

"well.. mr. couffaine is a regular there and not to mention V.I.P. there as well, a lot of students from francois dupont are regulars there like nino, alya, chloe and even adrien but it was quite a shame since he didn't really go to the bar as often as before since je didn't go as often as i saw i just heard it from co-workers and-" wayhem was cut off

"okay, you are rambling right now and you didn't answer my question" she cleared

"we bartenders aren't supposed to interact with V.I.P.s unless they order something and I couldn't disturb you since you were talking to luka" he stayed "funny how many times I almost got fired because of luka couffaine" wayhem chuckled as he scratched the back of his neck

"why is that?" she asked "besides that he is an asshole" she added

"well.. sometimes luka doesn't enter the bar as luka, sometimes he gets a different hair color, hair style, eye color and the flashing lights don't help either, sometimes i freeze when he orders something as he says 'tab for couffaine'" wayhem chuckled once more

"my my wayhem, who would've thought that you would be such a bigger gossip than alya" marinette joked

"I mean i was the head of the adrien agreste fanpage so... yeah"

"was?" she asked unsurely

"yes, since adrien and i are kinda friends now i think as his friend i should respect his privacy and you don't know what kind of tea gets spilled in a bar" he joked as well "you'll never know i might even be a bigger gossiper than alya or lila"

the topic peaked marinette's interest for some reason but it didn't really matter

her current problem at the moment was how to get out of going with adrien to the dance


sorry if im not online as much


bai sugar cubes

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