love at war

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love at war

Through light rain walking
and blazing thunder caught,
across wet earth reeling
and in storm's eye confined.

Such is fate of he who finds match
beyond the heavens,
beyond mortal plane;
within the stars
Or perhaps 'tis fate of all
who find complement:
To be cast adrift by heaven's storm's
and through crackling sun's heat bathed

For heavens bleed
when mortals attempt divinity
For man and mate joined
in heart and soul
is mortal hearts conjoined in heresy
As such emotion should be
that gives man wing to reach the eagle
and speed to overtake the deer.

The heavens may tremble
The seas may quake
with interlaced hands we shall stand:
the earth its molten rage spew over us
and the skies its stars cast upon us
Yet against these our love shall war-
our love to preserve.
In death. In life.
We shall stay
joined two hearts in one.
Through Winter's cold and Summer's heat

To love is to war
and if Love's hand
hold to mine,
Nox's veil I would brave
Love's side to stand.
Semper. Auternum.

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